The scientific name for this drug is Parkinol, which is a drug that helps reduce the level of dopamine in the brain, which affects the body's movement and balance. Parkinol is used to treat Parkinson's disease. Previously, it contained the stimulant amphetamine, which required a prescription only. With the removal of this substance, it has become easy to obtain. Unfortunately, many people have fallen into the trap of addiction to what is known as the "cockroach" drug, as experiments have shown that taking this drug in doses higher than recommended leads to auditory and visual hallucinations, where the user sees small creatures that resemble cockroaches, and from here you learn in Dalili Medical how it was called cockroach pills. Rumors have also spread that it is an aphrodisiac, but this information is incorrect.
Parkinol is a drug that belongs to the anticholinergic class, and works as a sympathetic nervous system inhibitor. It is also known as "cockroach pills". This medicine prevents the release of "acetylcholine" from the brain, which slows down the functions of the nervous system in Parkinson's patients.
Parkinol tablets contain the active ingredient "trihexyphenidyl", which belongs to the anticholinergic class.
**Medical uses of Parkinol**
Parkinol is used for multiple medical purposes, including:
- Improving the ability of Parkinson's patients to walk.
- Treating movement disorders resulting from taking some psychiatric medications, such as antipsychotics.
- Treating muscle spasms that affect the back and neck.
- Relieving muscle stiffness and treating excessive sweating.
- Relieving the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Symptoms include auditory and visual hallucinations, detachment from reality, poor perception of time, in addition to gluttony, headaches and drowsiness.
Yes, you can easily reverse the effect of Parkinol in your body. Addiction treatment, and follow a treatment program that suits your condition, starting from the diagnosis stage, then detoxification and psychotherapy, and ending with follow-up after discharge to avoid relapse.
Withdrawal symptoms can appear in the form of depression or psychological and behavioral disorders, and may be accompanied by cases of psychosis that usually occur with the use of hallucinogenic drugs.
Yes, this stage can be overcome safely and painlessly, with the necessary psychological and social rehabilitation to ensure that relapse does not occur.
Yes, taking cockroach pills in high doses negatively affects male hormones and the pituitary gland, which may lead to infertility in the addict.
When taking cockroach pills in doses that exceed those permitted for medical purposes, addiction can occur, causing:
- An urgent desire to take the drug.
- Auditory and visual hallucinations.
- Abnormal perception of time.
- Gluttony.
- Feeling disconnected from reality.
- Headache and drowsiness.
The increasing prevalence of taking these pills is due to their easy availability and low price. However, the positive side is that treating cockroach pill addiction is not difficult, as withdrawal symptoms can be overcome and help you get rid of addiction quickly.
The addict may experience side effects related to cockroach pills, including:
Dry mouth.
Vision disturbances.
These pills often lead to traffic accidents, as many drivers take them, which affects their ability to correctly estimate distances and focus while driving. Therefore, it is necessary to get help to treat cockroach drug addiction.
If you use cockroaches excessively and fall into the trap of addiction, stopping suddenly may lead to a relapse and the appearance of withdrawal symptoms, which may include:
- Depression.
- Mood and behavioral disorders.
Withdrawal symptoms may be mild or not clear, but it is necessary to get specialized medical help to deal with the psychosis that often accompanies hallucinogenic drugs such as cockroach pills. Therefore, we recommend that you seek support for treating cockroach addiction to get through this stage safely.
**Parkinol side effects**
The active ingredient (trihexyphenidyl) in Parkinol, also known as cockroach pills, can cause some severe side effects, the most prominent of which are:
- **Hallucinations**: Parkinol is called cockroach pills due to its hallucinogenic effects, as users suffer from visual hallucinations of seeing cockroaches wandering in the air, in addition to feeling paranoia and other psychological disorders.
- **Sunstroke**: Cockroach pills exacerbate the symptoms of sunstroke when exposed to sunlight, due to their ability to inhibit the body's ability to sweat and cool down.
- **Drowsiness**: The constant desire to sleep is a common side effect of this medication, so it is advisable to avoid driving or doing any activity that requires focus and attention.
- **Blurred vision**: Parkinol negatively affects the efficiency of vision, as it starts with blurred vision and eye pain, then the condition develops into seeing colored circles around bright lights, and may end up with sudden or gradual loss of vision.
- **Digestive system disorders**: Eating cockroach pills can lead to a range of digestive system disorders, the most prominent of which are:
**Stomach pain.**
**Loss of appetite.**
**Dry mouth.**
**Central nervous system disorders:** Cockroach pill users suffer from nervous system problems, the most prominent of which are:
- Dizziness.
- Loss of consciousness.
- Involuntary movements.
- Fatigue.
- Muscle stiffness.
- Nervous agitation.
- Confusion.
- Memory impairment.
**Stomach disorderFor heartbeats:** Drug abuse significantly affects the heart, which is reflected in the efficiency of its contraction and its ability to pump blood to various parts of the body. This may lead to low blood pressure, increased pulse rate, and shortness of breath, which may cause angina. When children take cockroach pills, the risk they are exposed to increases, as they suffer from weight loss, sleep disturbances, convulsions, and other damages that threaten their health.
**Damages of cockroach pills when used chronically**
Some people suffer from negative effects as a result of taking cockroach pills continuously.
Parkinol works to promote relaxation in the body, which helps control convulsions and movement disorders. However, improper use of this drug may lead to psychological and motor problems. Among the potential damages resulting from taking cockroach pills are:
1. **Psychotic episodes (NMS)** Hallucinations may worsen, causing the user to experience severe episodes of psychosis and detachment from reality.
2. **Dementia** Parkinol increases the risk of dementia and memory disorders, especially in the elderly.
3. **Infertility** Prolonged use of cockroach pills disrupts the secretions of the pituitary gland, causing a decrease in the level of the male hormone, and thus males may become infertile.
4. **Addiction** Although addiction to cockroach pills is a limited possibility, excessive consumption may increase this possibility, making the user vulnerable to addiction.
To avoid the harm caused by Parkinol pills, they should be used as a medical drug according to the dose prescribed by the doctor, while avoiding any misuse. It is also recommended to avoid consuming alcoholic beverages, some antidepressants and opioid painkillers, due to their negative effect on the effectiveness of Parkinol in the body. You should also be careful when taking these pills in some cases, as they can lead to a deterioration in the health of patients, including:
- Liver patients.
- Heart patients.
- Kidney patients.
- Patients with arteriosclerosis.
- Patients with enlarged prostate and urinary obstruction.
- Patients with dry eyes.
- Patients with intestinal obstruction.
You must adhere to the instructions of the attending physician regarding the safe dose of the drug, and not stop it or adjust the dose on your own to avoid any potential health damage. The doctor determines the dose based on several factors, including:
- The severity of the patient's health condition.
- Age.
- The body's response to treatment.
- Other diseases that the person suffers from.
**For adults:**
1. **Parkinson's disease treatment dose:** The doctor starts with a dose of 1 mg per day, then the dose is gradually increased to reach a concentration ranging between 6 and 12 mg per day.
2- Dose for treating movement disorders resulting from drugs The doctor begins by determining an initial dose of 1 mg per day, then the dose is gradually increased until the appropriate dose for the patient is reached.
3- For children** Research has not proven the effectiveness and safety of this medicine for children under 18 years of age.
4- For the elderly** The medicine is not recommended for elderly people over 60 years of age, and if it is necessary to use it, small doses should be given with continuous monitoring of the patient's condition.
**Warnings about drug overdose**
The symptoms of an overdose of Parkinol are very serious, which requires immediate access to the nearest addiction treatment center to save your life, as overdose can lead to poisoning and death quickly. Symptoms to watch out for include:
- Irregular heartbeat, where you may notice an increase or decrease in its rate.
- Blurred vision and hallucinations.
- High body temperature.
- Impaired perception and coordination.
- Dilation of the pupil.
- Shortness of breath.
- Seizures.
- Redness of the skin.
- Dry skin.
- Dry mouth.
- Fainting.
Parkinol is one of the drugs that may lead to addiction if used incorrectly, especially due to its low price and strong effect on inhibiting the nervous system. Addicts call this drug "cockroach pills" due to the severe hallucinations and persistent fantasies it causes that accompany the addict throughout the period of the drug's effect, as the number of tablets taken by the addict in a single dose may reach 10 tablets.
Due to its addictive effect, it is recommended not to use Parkinol for long periods to avoid physical or psychological addiction to it. In the event of sudden cessation of taking the drug, the person may suffer from severe withdrawal symptoms, which requires obtaining treatment in the best addiction treatment hospitals.
The alternative to Parkinol is the drug that contains the same active ingredient, or it may be another drug with a different active ingredient but is used for the same purposes. Here are some alternatives to Parkinol:
**First: Parkinol alternatives that contain the same active ingredient:**
- Trixi.
**Second: Parkinol alternatives that are used for the same purposes:**
- Actinone.
- Biperidine.
- Akinbark.
- Quinopred.
Some medications should be avoided with Parkinol, as they may affect its effectiveness and increase the risk of serious side effects. Therefore, it is important to keep a list of the medications and herbal products you are taking and share it with your doctor before using Parkinol.
**Here are some medications that interact with Parkinol:**
- Anticholinergics and antispasmodics.
- Antiarrhythmics.
- Depressants.
- Opioid medications (such as painkillers and hypnotics).
- Muscle relaxants.
- Anti-anxiety.
- Antihistamines.
- Allergy, cough and cold medications.
**Stages of treating cockroach pill addiction (Parkinol)**
Treating a cockroach pill addict requires an individual treatment plan that suits his condition, due to the difference in symptomsThe symptoms that every addict is exposed to in terms of physical and mental disorders resulting from an imbalance in brain chemistry, which affects the mechanism of action of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. The severity and duration of withdrawal symptoms also vary from one case to another. These measures are implemented through an organized program aimed at ensuring the well-being of the addict and treating his physical, psychological and behavioral disorders in a professional manner, taking into account his emotional state and restoring his mental balance and thinking patterns.
The stages of treating cockroach pill addiction include the following:
**The first stage: Comprehensive medical evaluation and diagnosis**Doctors begin by evaluating the physical and psychological condition of the addict through a medical diagnosis that includes x-rays, medical tests and a psychological examination session. The medical report includes the following:
- Duration of abuse and the amount of the daily dose.
- Level of toxins in the body.
- The state of the immune system.
- The amount of damage to vital organs.
- Diagnosis of the mental and psychological state.
- Examination of brain activity and the nervous system.
**Phase 2: Painless Withdrawal Management and Symptom Treatment**Based on the assessment, a protocol is developed to treat the addict during the withdrawal period, where the symptoms of Baricnol withdrawal appear, which include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Difficulty moving
- Stiffness of the extremities
- Muscle spasms
- Excessive sweating
- High blood pressure
- Anxiety
- Increased salivation
- Agitation and confusion
- Psychosis
- Hallucinations
- Diarrhea
- High temperature
- Psychological disorders
Baricnol withdrawal and detoxification are treated according to a specific schedule, where the treatment team provides the appropriate medications for the addict's condition, with the aim of alleviating the severity of withdrawal symptoms and their physical and psychological effects. During this period, the addict feels appropriate comfort, while continuing to monitor him to ensure that his vital signs are stable, and adding additional treatments when any new symptoms appear. Through this approach, any withdrawal effects of cockroach pills are dealt with effectively, ensuring that no crises or complications occur, while providing nutritional programs and professional psychological support, in addition to a safe environment and means of relaxation. In cases of dual diagnosis, psychotherapy is immediately combined with detoxification, to maintain stability and contain psychotic episodes and symptoms of schizophrenia. Treatment continues until the addict is completely stable and his body is free of toxins, which helps the brain regain some of its functions.
**Stage Three: Enhancing Psychotherapy**When brain hormones and neurotransmitters are affected, cockroach pill addiction may lead to the emergence of hallucinations, depression and psychosis. Therefore, this addiction is treated by enhancing psychotherapy, which is considered the most important stage to restore the addict's awareness of what he is going through. This is done using psychotropic medications and psychotherapy sessions. As the number of sessions increases, the symptoms of the mental disorder begin to subside, and signs of psychological improvement appear, which increases the addict's awareness of himself and his surroundings, and makes him more prepared for the behavioral rehabilitation stage. It is important to note that Parkinol may cause withdrawal effects that last for a long time, which may reach several weeks or even months, so the treatment team continues to manage these symptoms throughout the treatment period.
**Stage Four: Behavioral Rehabilitation for Parkinol Addicts** This stage is considered the appropriate preparation for the cockroach pill addict to get rid of the addiction disorder, which is characterized by a strong intellectual and emotional connection to the effect of Parkinol, even after detoxification and psychotherapy. Addiction is considered a mental illness that entrenches addiction habits, making relapse possible if the addict is not behaviorally rehabilitated. Therefore, this stage is crucial in the recovery process.
**Important Tips Before Using the Medication**
Here are a set of basic tips and precautions that should be taken into account before starting to use the medication. You should inform your doctor if you are allergic to the active ingredient "Trihexyphenidyl" or any of the other components of the medication. You should also inform your doctor if you suffer from any of the following health conditions:
- Arteriosclerosis
- Prostate enlargement
- Chronic constipation
- Myasthenia gravis
- Psychosis
- High blood pressure
- Glaucoma
- Urinary tract obstruction
- Stomach disorders
- Heart, liver or kidney disease
Before undergoing any surgery, you should inform your doctor that you are using this medicine, stating the last time you took the medicine and the dose used.