Health benefits of pumpkin seeds and how to use them

The fruit of the gourd is considered to be a symbol of joy thanks to its attractive orange color, and it is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an in the name of al-Qatin. It is also a symbol for the celebrations held by non-Muslims in Western countries. Do you know the benefits of pumpkin seeds and their uses? We will discuss this in Dalili Medical website in the next article.

**nutritional value of pumpkin seeds**

Pumpkin seeds are extremely rich in many important nutrients, including minerals such as potassium, zinc, and manganese, as well as vitamins such as vitamin K. These nutrients play an important role in enhancing the healing process and strengthening the bones, as well as supporting the immune system in the face of antigens. Pumpkin seeds are also an excellent source of other essential minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron and copper.

Here is the nutritional information related to pumpkin seeds per portion:

- **Calories**: Pumpkin seeds contain 180 calories in a quarter cup of dried seeds.

- **proteins**: contains about 10 grams of protein per serving.

- **Al-Dhoon**: Contains about 16 grams of fat per serving.

- **Carbohydrates**: contains about 3 grams of carbohydrates per serving.

- **Fiber**: contains about 2 grams of fiber per portion of pumpkin seeds.

Are we pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds, also known as pumpkin seeds, are my type of extracted nuts. Although they are small in size, they are rich in nutrients and many health benefits. These seeds have been used since ancient times in various cultures, due to their high nutritional value and variety of uses in cooking and folk medicine.

**Is it useful to eat al-Iqteen?**

Although raw foods may contain harmful bacteria, cases of food-borne diseases caused by eating pumpkin and raw seeds are rare. While raw and seeded pumpkins contain slightly higher amounts of vitamins and minerals, their taste and texture are usually less attractive. Also, these raw foods contain more antioxidants and less antioxidants compared to their cooked counterparts. Regardless of the method of eating, whether it is raw or cooked, it is important to adhere to food safety practices and enjoy it as part of a balanced healthy diet.

What are the vitamins in pumpkin?

Pumpkin is an excellent source of vitamin A, it is also rich in copper and is a good source of iron. In addition, it contains a good proportion of omega 3, vitamin C and vitamin C. It also contains vitamin C and a good proportion of potassium.

**Do we know the difference between Al-Qatin and Qara?**

Al-Qatin is a fruit of the same genus as the gourd, characterized by a hollow stem and a less firm texture, while the gourd is a fruit of the gourd family with a hard and rough stem. Pumpkin seeds are rich in fatty acids, while pumpkin seeds contain a high percentage of fiber and proteins. There are many varieties of pumpkins around the world, such as wild pumpkins, miniature pumpkins, white pumpkins, and giant pumpkins. There are also different types of gourds in winter and summer, such as walnuts, gourds, valhabard, valkabutsha, valasbajiti. Pumpkin is used in the preparation of both salty and sweet dishes, such as al-Hasa, pies, curries, cakes and desserts, however, unlike summer pumpkin varieties, some other types are served as delicious vegetables alongside other vegetables.

**Benefits of pumpkin seeds**

Pumpkin seeds, whether raw or roasted, have multiple health benefits. Below are the most important of these benefits:

**Cancer prevention:** Pumpkin seeds contain a high percentage of lignans and antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of some types of cancer, such as colon and stomach cancer and prostate cancer. Also, consumption is associated with reducing the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women, which makes them one of the important benefits of pumpkin seeds for women.

**Heart health:** Pumpkin seeds are considered beneficial elements for heart health, as they contribute to reducing the risk of heart disease. These seeds contain large amounts of omega 3 and omega 6, vitamin E, fiber and antioxidants such as carotenoids. Studies have shown that it is effective in lowering blood pressure, reducing alcohol cholesterol levels and increasing good cholesterol.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds in regulating blood sugar levels ** Manifestation in the ability to reduce sugar levels in type 2 diabetes, thanks to the magnesium content. Studies have shown that diets rich in magnesium are associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for sex** are multifaceted, as they enhance fertility and reproductive function. The high content of zinc improves the quality of the animal. In addition, pumpkin seeds protect sperm from damage caused by chemotherapy and autoimmune diseases, as well as contribute to maintaining normal testosterone levels and promoting general health.

Pumpkin seeds are useful for the prostate and bladder**, as they contribute to reducing the symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Also, supplements containing pumpkin seed extract may help slow down the growth of prostate cancer cells, which makes eating pumpkin seeds or products a useful dietary supplement.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for bones**, they promote bone health thanks to their magnesium, calcium and phosphorus content, which play an important role in increasing bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis, especially in women during menopause.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds also fight against insomnia**, as it contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is converted in the body into the hormone serotonin and the hormone melatonin, which is known as the alpha hormone.M. Therefore, eating a small amount of pumpkin seeds before going to bed with some carbohydrates, such as a piece of fruit, can help improve the quality of sleep and reduce insomnia.

The benefits of pumpkin lip in the treatment of hereditary baldness** is manifested in the ability of eating white pumpkin lip to contribute to the treatment of this problem in men, thanks to its content of fatty acids. Studies have shown that taking 400 mg of pumpkin seed oil daily for 24 weeks can increase hair growth by up to 40%.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for pregnant women are multiple, as they contribute to strengthening immunity and preventing uterine infection that may lead to premature birth. Drinking pumpkin seeds is considered an effective way to get these health benefits.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds in slimming **, eating them can help in losing weight, because they contain nutrients that support this goal, such as fiber, protein, and unsaturated fatty acids, which enhance the feeling of fullness and reduce the desire to eat excessively.

**Enhancement of male reproductive health:** Pumpkin seeds contain a high percentage of antioxidants, which contribute to the prevention of prostate cancer. Among the benefits of pumpkin seeds for men, we find the prevention of inflammations, diseases, and disorders of the urinary tract and treatments, in addition to improving the quality of semen. This leads to the enhancement of male fertility by increasing the level of testosterone in the body and improving the quality and quantity of sperm.

**Enhancement of female reproductive health:** Pumpkin seeds contain a large amount of zinc, which is useful during pregnancy. Zinc helps in strengthening immunity and contributes to the healthy development of the fetus, which makes pumpkin seeds useful for women. Therefore, it is beneficial for pregnant women to eat foods rich in zinc, such as pumpkin seeds. The contribution of pumpkin seeds in the prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

Useful for hair and skin**: eating pumpkin seeds helps to strengthen the softness of the hair and increase its strength and shine. It also improves the smoothness of the skin and reduces wrinkles. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it also helps prevent acne and skin inflammation.

** Summary of the benefits of pumpkin seeds for men and women **

- Contains a high percentage of zinc, which promotes skin and hair health.

- It is considered a strong source of antioxidants, which helps protect women from uterine and breast cancer.

- It helps to eat pumpkin in the prevention of aging and signs of skin aging.

- A naturally beneficial nutritional supplement during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

- Contributing to the prevention of hereditary hair loss, as it acts as an antidote to the androgen hormone that causes hereditary baldness, especially in women.

**Benefits of pumpkin seeds for men**

Pumpkin seeds are considered to be extremely rich in zinc and antioxidants, which makes them useful for men in many ways, including:

- Promoting public health.

- Support muscle building.

- Production of seminal fluid rich in healthy spermatozoa.

- Prostate health improvement.

- Maintaining the health of my private parts during the fight against al-Shawar al-Hurra.

- Regulation of male hormone levels.

- Increased sexual desire.

- Appreciation of appointment and treatment of sexual impotence.

- Protecting my body from prostate cancer thanks to strong antioxidants.

- Treatment of bladder overactive states.

**Benefits of gourd for children**

Pumpkin is considered to be the most useful plant, as it is useful for all age groups, both young and old, and both genders. Below are the most important benefits of pumpkin for children:

- It increases the child's IQ and stimulates his mental abilities.

- It helps in treating digestive system problems such as constipation and diarrhea.

- They help me recover from colds that affect children in the winter, such as coughs and colds.

- It is helpful in reducing high temperatures.

- I respect the ability of children to sleep deeply.

- Strengthens the immune system.

- Abbreviation for toothache.

**Benefits of pumpkin with milk**

Milk is known to have many benefits, and when combined with pumpkin, rich in vitamins and fibers, the benefits are enhanced even more. And these are the benefits:

- Treats gallbladder problems.

- Yusaed in the treatment of arteriosclerosis.

- Treats constipation.

- Yunshit al-Lathah.

- Yosaeed in the rejection of the Al-Tabaaniyyah.

- Abbreviation for toothache.

- It cures many alcoholic problems.

- Helpful in treating chest diseases.

**Benefits of gourd for the stomach**

There is no doubt that pumpkin has many benefits, as mentioned earlier, it is considered as one of the useful foods that can be used as a necessary remedy to reduce inflammation of the stomach, along with other remedies. Therefore, it is important to consult the attending physician before using it at any stage of gastritis. And the benefits of gourd:

When eating pumpkin, it covers the walls of the digestive system with a thin protective layer, which helps to speed up the healing of existing ulcers. Also, pumpkin is considered one of the low-calorie fruits and contains a high percentage of water, which makes it easy for the stomach to digest. In addition, it is recommended to drink pumpkin juice after meals, in an amount of up to 120 ml, for a period ranging from one to two weeks, with the doctor determining the treatment period more precisely based on the severity of the condition and the reasons. Pumpkin juice is considered particularly useful for treating gastritis with high acidity, as it is rich in vitamins, omega-3 acids, carbohydrates, and minerals. It is enough for the patient to drink 200 ml of juice daily.

**Benefits of gourd for kidney**

It is possible to benefit from the benefits of pumpkin for the kidney by eating pumpkin lip, seeds or oil extracted from it. Below are the most important of these benefits:

It is important to prevent the formation of alcoholic stones. It also has a positive effect on urinary tract health. Considering that it contains important nutrients such as potassium and beta-carotene, pumpkin is considered an ideal choice for alcoholic patients who need to consume limited amounts of potassium.

** Benefits bZur al-Iqteen Lalguloon**

**Enhancing intestinal health and regulating colon movement:** Pumpkin seeds are considered to be rich in dietary fiber, which contributes to regular bowel movement. These fibers help prevent constipation, which can cause problems in the colon such as hemorrhoids and intestinal inflammation.

** Prevention of colon inflammations: ** Purification of pumpkin seeds with strong antioxidants such as vitamin E and carotenoids, which contribute to reducing colon inflammations and protecting cells from destruction. Eating pumpkin seeds regularly can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as ulcerative colitis.

Cleansing the colon of toxins: The fibers in pumpkin seeds help cleanse the colon of accumulated toxins and waste, which improves the health of the digestive system. The action of these seeds as a "natural exfoliant" for the intestines, which reduces the possibility of the formation of harmful bacteria.

**Supporting the health of the microbiome in the colon:** Pumpkin seeds contain zinc and magnesium, which are essential elements to support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon. Improving the balance of the microbiome contributes to reducing problems such as bloating and gas and promotes healthy digestion.

Prevention of colon cancer: Antioxidants and phytosterols in pumpkin seeds help to reduce the risk of free radicals that may lead to colon cancer. Eating pumpkin seeds as part of a high-fiber diet shows a preventive effect against colon and rectal cancer.

**Reducing the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome:** The contribution of pumpkin seeds in reducing the symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), such as bloating and cramps. The sedative effects on the digestive system make them an ideal choice for people suffering from this condition.

**Improve the absorption of nutrients:** The help of pumpkin seeds in enhancing the efficiency of the absorption of nutrients in the colon, which ensures the body's complete use of food. Also, the magnesium present in it enhances the functions of the muscles in the walls of the colon, which supports healthy bowel movement

The program to get rid of the poisons of the pumpkin?

Al-Iqteen detoxification program is considered an effective way to lose 3 kilograms in 3 days, and it is recommended for people who are trying to lose weight and cleanse their bodies of toxins. However, we must not take into account that the effect of height varies from person to person due to the difference in physical structure. It is forbidden to apply this program to pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and people suffering from chronic diseases, and it is preferable not to continue it for more than three days. In order to achieve the goal of getting rid of toxins, it is recommended to avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee and black tea, and instead, drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It is also recommended to stay away from canned foods that contain sugar or fatty and ready-made foods. You can eat herbal teas such as al-Matta, white tea, fennel, and green tea. It is recommended to stay active during the day, avoiding intense or high-intensity exercise

**Recruitment of pumpkin seeds**

Pumpkin seeds are characterized by a variety of uses in the food system, including:

- **Snacks**: Grilled snacks with salt or spices can be used as light snacks.

- **Salatat**: added to the salads to strengthen the strength and increase the nutritional value.

- **Bread**: It is possible to mix in the dough to make bread, cakes or granola bars.

- **Juices**: expectoration in juices to get an additional dose of protein and nutrients.

- **Decoration**: use the kezina for yogurt, oat flour, or al-Hasa.

** Ideas for light snacks using pumpkin seeds **

Here are some easy and delicious suggestions for preparing snacks from pumpkin seeds:

1. **Hommose pumpkin seeds**: Mix the seeds with olive oil, salt and spices, then roast them until they acquire a golden color and become crispy in the morning.

2. **Door mixture**: A combination of pumpkin seeds with nuts, dried fruits, and dark chocolate chips.

3. ** Pumpkin seed butter **: Mix the seeds until it turns into a smooth mixture, it can be used on toasted bread or with fruits.

4. **Pumpkin seed bars**: Mix the seeds with oats, honey, and peanut butter, then put the mixture in the refrigerator to make energy bars.

**How ​​to hire pumpkin seeds**

You can use the benefits of pumpkin seeds through snacks, whether raw or roasted, salted or unsalted. It can also be added to juices, smoothies, al-zabadi, or used in food dishes such as salads, soups, and beans. Some people prefer to use it as an ingredient in sweet bread or cakes.

**How ​​to use pumpkin seeds to support prostate health**


There are several ways to include pumpkin seeds in the diet to benefit from the health benefits related to the prostate. The American Heart Association recommends eating a quarter of a cup of pumpkin seeds daily, which is equivalent to about 30 grams, as part of a balanced diet. This quantity provides a good proportion of protein, healthy fats, fiber, zinc, selenium, and magnesium, in addition to other useful nutrients.

To prepare pumpkin seeds, they must be cleaned and dried well before storing in an airtight container. It is preferable to soak for a period of 8 to 12 hours before use, in order to eliminate harmful enzymes and facilitate the digestion process.

Pumpkin seeds can be consumed in various ways, including:

1. Additions to juices or drinks.

2. Grinding roasted pumpkin seeds and their uses in the preparation of protein shakes.

3. Turning roasted pumpkin seeds into a paste that can be used as a substitute for peanut butter or traditional butter, as pumpkin seed butter is considered healthy and rich in omega 3 acids.

How many pumpkin seeds do you eat daily?

It is recommended that the average person consume about 30 grams per day.

Let's say now that we don't have the right amount of pumpkin seeds for peopleI suffer from certain health conditions:

- **Persons with prostate enlargement**: It is recommended to eat more than 10 grams of pumpkin seeds daily.

- **Insomnia**: People who suffer from insomnia can eat pumpkin seeds like others do, but some experts suggest eating 1 gram of them before going to sleep to improve the quality of sleep.

- **Gas and bloating problems**: It is best to consult a doctor or a nutritionist to determine the appropriate dose of pumpkin seeds in this case.

**Harms of pumpkin seeds**

Eating pumpkin seeds is considered safe in general, but some side effects may appear in rare cases, including:

- **Increasing weight**: Pumpkin seeds contain a high percentage of calories, so eating larger amounts than recommended may lead to weight gain. Also, roasting seeds using oil adds more calories, which is one of the disadvantages of oil-roasted pumpkin seeds.

** Bloating and Constipation **: Pumpkin seeds, whether raw or roasted, cause bloating and gas or constipation when eaten in large quantities, especially if they are eaten with husks.

- **Concentration of toxins and free radicals**: Pumpkin seeds can rot quickly due to their high fat content, which leads to an increase in the concentration of toxins and free radicals in the body when eating rotten seeds.

- **Digestive disorders**: excessive consumption of pumpkin seeds can lead to stomach problems such as bloating and gas.

**Allergy**: People who are allergic to pumpkin seeds have symptoms such as itching, rash, and difficulty breathing.

- **Interference with some medicines**: Pumpkin seeds contain a high percentage of vitamin K, which can interfere with blood thinners such as warfarin.