The harms of alcohol on the body and how to get rid of it permanently

The harms of drinking alcohol are many, the most prominent of which is the loss of self-control and the worsening of the damage until it reaches brain damage. Excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart enlargement or stroke. In addition, drinking alcohol causes chronic diseases such as liver disease, and when a person exceeds the permissible limit, he enters the stage of inflammation that leads to further damage. In Dalili Medical, we will review precise details about the general harms of drinking alcohol, and its effects in the short and long term, so we invite you to follow what we will present.

**Is there halal alcohol?**


There is a type of alcohol that is considered halal, and it is the result of fermenting grapes with the removal of alcohol from it, which makes it lose its intoxicating properties. This type is known as "halal wine" and is available in red, white and pink, and does not cause a state of euphoria or relaxation.

**What are the most famous types of alcohol?**


Despite the great difference in flavors and prices between types of alcohol, they all contain the same active substance responsible for the feeling of drunkenness and euphoria, in addition to the possibility of poisoning. The difference between the types is in the percentage of alcohol, which varies from one drink to another.

1. **Beer:** Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world, and is characterized by a low alcohol concentration ranging from 4-6%.

2. **Gin:** Gin is extracted from berries and contains an alcohol concentration ranging from 35% to 55%. Because of this high concentration, the symptoms of gin use are noticeable.

3. **Vodka:** Vodka is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grains and potatoes, and its alcohol content reaches 40%. Vodka is one of the most popular drinks in the United States, and its most famous types are Martini, Bloody Mary, and Cosmopolitan.

4. **Whiskey**: Whiskey is made from fermented grains such as barley, corn, and wheat, and acquires its unique flavor from white oak. Its alcohol concentration ranges from 40% to 50%.

5. **Cognac**: Cognac is made from grapes and must be stored in a wooden container for at least two years. It contains an alcohol content of 40%.

6. **Wine**: Wine is an alcoholic beverage with a long history of use around the world, and is produced from the fermentation of grapes or berries. Its alcohol content is about 14%, and it is divided into two types: white wine and red wine.

7. **Tequila**: Tequila is a type of liquor extracted from the Mexican agave plant, and its alcohol concentration is 40%.

8. **Champagne**: Champagne is known as sparkling wine, and is produced from the fermentation of grapes. It is named after the Champagne region in France, and its alcohol content is about 14%.

9. **Brandy**: Brandy is produced by distilling wine and fermenting grapes, and it contains an alcohol concentration ranging from 35% to 60%.

10. **Cider**: Cider is also known as "hard cider" and is made from apple juice. It has an alcohol concentration of 1% to 8%.

When does the effect of alcohol in the blood end?


The effect of alcohol in the blood ranges from 6 to 24 hours, and this depends on several important factors, such as the type of test used and the level of alcohol in the blood, which is affected by the length of time a person has consumed alcohol and the number of times a day he drinks. In general, some types of drug tests can measure the alcohol concentration in the blood for up to 6 hours after the last drink, while other types of tests can detect alcohol in the blood for a longer period, up to 12 to 24 hours.

How can you protect your teen from drinking alcohol?


Be a role model, talk to him honestly, and make time to be active in his life. Share your hopes and expectations for your teen, and discuss with him the potential consequences of breaking these rules.

Who is most at risk for alcohol abuse and addiction?


People who suffer from psychological or social problems, or who feel depressed, lonely, or emotionally stressed tend to drink alcohol as a way to calm down and relax in public places.

How can an alcoholic wake up?


It is recommended to drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, and be outdoors, in addition to eating foods that help expel toxins such as onions and garlic.

Does drinking alcohol cause stomach pain?


Drinking large amounts of alcohol can lead to inflammation of the stomach lining and ulcers in the stomach and esophagus, causing stomach pain, which is a common symptom of excessive drinking.

**Risks of drinking alcohol:**

In addition to the risk of addiction, drinking alcohol causes many side effects and risks that may occur even with moderate and continuous use for long periods. Despite some potential benefits, it has serious side effects in the short and long term, even with safe use, affecting the psychological and physical condition. These risks include:

1. **Addiction:** Continuous consumption of alcohol leads to the brain's dependence on it, which causes addiction and difficulty in stopping use, as painful withdrawal symptoms may appear when trying to stop.

2. **Fetal abnormalities:** Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is considered unsafe, as it can lead to birth defects and serious harm to the fetus. Consuming alcohol during pregnancy is also associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and fetal alcohol syndrome, in addition to disorders in growth and behavior after birth. Alcohol is also unsafe during breastfeeding, as it passes into breast milk and may negatively affect the development of skills related to mental and muscle coordination. Alcohol can also cause disturbances in the infant's sleep pattern, in addition to reducing milk production.

3. Asthma attacks: Alcohol consumption has been linked to the occurrence or increase in the frequency of asthma attacks, and this may be due to the presence of salicylates in alcoholic beverages or the amount of nitrite added to them.

4. Gout: Alcohol consumption can contribute to the onset or exacerbation of gout, but the reason behind this is still not fully understood.

5. Heart attacks: BThere is some evidence that moderate alcohol consumption may help prevent heart failure, but it can be harmful for people who already have the condition. Chronic alcohol use can also raise blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attacks.

7. High blood pressure: Drinking three or more alcoholic drinks a day can raise blood pressure in people who don’t have high blood pressure, or make it worse for those who do.

8. High blood lipids: Alcohol consumption increases triglyceride levels in the blood, which can make the condition worse.

9. Insomnia: Drinking alcohol can make insomnia worse, as alcohol stimulates the nervous system.

10. Liver disease: Alcohol consumption can cause a variety of liver diseases, which can negatively affect your health. Alcohol can also interact with certain medications, which can damage your liver, increasing your risk of damage. Therefore, it is best to avoid drinking alcohol if you are taking medications that may affect the liver.

11. Nervousness and irritability: Irregular alcohol consumption can lead to nervous system disorders, which further aggravates your nervous condition, and this negatively affects your relationships at work and in the family.

12. Pancreatitis: Irregular alcohol consumption can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer or worsen pancreatitis.

13. Stomach ulcers: Alcohol causes constant heartburn, which can lead to the development of stomach ulcers, as alcohol consumption can aggravate this condition.

14. Impaired ability to think: Consuming three or more alcoholic drinks a day can aggravate psychological problems and reduce thinking and memory skills, and psychological disorders resulting from addiction may increase to include psychosis and insanity.

15. Family problems: Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to the disintegration of family life and loss of stability. Psychological problems resulting from alcohol abuse can make you appear as a completely different person in the eyes of your partner, making you appear violent and unbalanced.

16. Headache and vomiting: When a person consumes alcohol, the body breaks it down to get rid of it. However, there are substances that may interact with alcohol and affect the speed of the breakdown process, leading to symptoms such as headaches, vomiting, facial flushing, and other negative reactions.

17. Interaction with antidepressants: Alcohol contains a chemical known as tyramine, which in large amounts can lead to high blood pressure. The body normally breaks down tyramine to get rid of it, but when taking some antidepressants, this process may be disrupted, leading to a buildup of tyramine in the body and dangerously high blood pressure.

18. Poisoning: The body naturally deals with drug toxins by breaking them down to get rid of them. However, alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of this process, leading to a slower removal of some narcotic drugs from the body. In addition, taking some drugs with alcohol may increase the side effects associated with them, such as cocaine, morphine, and oxycontin, increasing the risk of overdose and poisoning.

19. Interaction with sedatives: Alcohol can cause drowsiness, especially if the patient is taking medications that cause drowsiness or sedatives. Therefore, consuming alcohol with sedatives may lead to a significant increase in drowsiness. Therefore, it is advisable not to drink alcohol if you are taking sedatives.

**Short-term harms of drinking alcohol on men**


Short-term harms of drinking alcohol on men include the following:

- Exposure to anxiety, depression and psychological disorders, which may lead to reaching the stage of serious addiction.

- Thinking about negative thoughts such as suicide, in addition to the risk of accidental injuries and death.

- Feeling tired and exhausted daily, which negatively affects the quality of sleep.

- Causing indigestion, which may lead to vitamin deficiency in the body.

- Gradual negative impact on memory, which affects athletic performance and physical fitness.

- Increased calories resulting from drinking alcohol, which may contribute to weight gain.

**Step 2: How to convince someone to stop drinking alcohol?**


Confrontation and persuasion are the second step in how to stop your son from drinking alcohol. It is essential that you learn how to communicate the seriousness of this behavior and the need to quit, so you must give yourself the confidence to deal with this situation correctly. You can succeed in convincing someone to quit drinking alcohol by following the following tips:

1. **Choose the right time**: Try to confront the person when he is not under the influence of alcohol, so that he is more prepared to understand the seriousness of this behavior, and to avoid any negative reactions such as mockery or denial.

2. **Avoid violence and threats**: It is important to avoid violence or threats during the dialogue. Stay calm and think carefully about the way you speak to make him feel comfortable talking to you without fear.

3. **Show empathy**: Express your feelings towards him and show him that you understand his suffering. Treat your son as if he is a patient who needs help, not a guilty person. If you are wondering "How do I stop my son from drinking alcohol?", getting angry and scolding may only make the problem worse.

4. **Listen to the reasons**: Try to find out the reasons that led him to drink alcohol. This will help you better understand the situation and answer your question about how to stop him from drinking alcohol.

5. **Discuss the risks**: Talk to him about how dangerous it is to continue this behavior and how it affects his life and health.

**Benefits of alcohol:**

Alcohol is considered one of the drinks that are believed to have some benefits, but these benefits are often limited to the early stages of abuse, as they quickly turn into serious harms, including:

1. **Antioxidant:** One of the most prominent benefits of alcohol is that it contains antioxidants. Alcohol, like many foods and drinks, is rich inIt contains antioxidants that protect the body's cells from damage and contribute to maintaining their health, which reduces the risk of tumors. This damage is attributed to fatigue and stress that may lead to an imbalance in cells, which increases the likelihood of cancer. Studies have shown that wine contains effective antioxidants that prevent tumors, and the levels of these antioxidants vary from one type to another, as red grape wine contains a higher percentage of antioxidants compared to white grapes.

2. **Reducing lung inflammation:** One of the potential benefits of wine is that it contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties, especially those resulting from bacteria that affect the lungs, bronchi, and heart. Chronic inflammation in the body is harmful, and wine is used as a natural remedy to reduce inflammation. However, it can be dispensed with by following a healthy diet, exercising, and reducing stress and life pressures.

3. Preventing atherosclerosis: Drinking beer and wine can have benefits for heart health. Studies have shown that individuals who consume moderate amounts of wine have lower rates of heart disease. Researchers believe that the high concentration of antioxidants in wine may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and metabolic diseases. Some studies also suggest that drinking wine may help lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure, which may reduce the risk of heart disease. However, other studies suggest that drinking a glass of wine a day does not affect blood pressure in people with normal blood pressure. In addition, wine can interact with medications used to lower blood pressure, and excessive alcohol consumption has negative effects on heart health, including high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease.

4. Reduce stress and anxiety**: Wine can have a positive effect on mental health, as drinking a glass of wine every now and then may reduce the risk of depression. However, drinking too much can have the opposite effect, increasing the likelihood of developing this condition.

5. May contribute to a longer life**: Drinking moderate amounts of wine as part of a balanced diet may contribute to an increase in life expectancy, thanks to its high content of antioxidants that protect cells.

6. Promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria: It may help promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which may improve metabolism in obese individuals.

**The effect of alcohol consumption on safety and security**


A review of the harms resulting from alcohol consumption shows that consuming large amounts of it can impair an individual's ability to make sound decisions, leading to situations that jeopardize safety and security. These risks include:

- Exposure to accidents such as traffic accidents and drowning.

- Legal and financial problems.

- Deterioration of social relationships.

- Poor performance at work or school.

- Increased chances of committing or being exposed to violent crimes.

- Unlawful and dangerous sexual behaviors.

- Exposure to sexual assault or rape.

- Increased chances of suicide attempts and sometimes death.

**Symptoms of light alcohol consumption:**

Symptoms of light alcohol consumption appear as a result of high blood alcohol levels, and these symptoms include:

- Slurred speech.

- Slowed reactions.

- Feeling relaxed.

- Inability to control body movements.

- Difficulty concentrating.

- Risky behaviors such as driving under the influence of alcohol.

- Forgetting events after drinking too much.

- Vomiting and nausea.

- Sweating.

- Shaking.

- Drowsiness.

- Mood swings.

- Blurred vision.

- Coma

**Symptoms of heavy drinking:**

Symptoms of heavy drinking include consuming four or more drinks for women and five or more drinks for men within two hours. Heavy drinking can lead to addiction. Excessive alcohol use can lead to alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcohol abuse and addiction affect about 18 million people in the United States, which can have life-threatening and devastating effects.

Symptoms include:

- Strong desire to drink alcohol and difficulty controlling this desire.

- Inability to do daily activities without drinking alcohol.

- Problems with family and friends as a result of drinking.

- Neglecting personal responsibilities.

- Lying about the amount of alcohol consumed.

- Trying to drink without others knowing

Are there medications to prevent drinking alcohol?


**Naltrexone**  This medication works by blocking opioid receptors in the body, which means that the person will not feel the effects of alcohol when drinking it.

**Acamprosate**  This medication helps reduce the desire to drink again, which helps protect the recovering addict from relapse.

These medications affect levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which plays a role in the feeling of wanting to drink.

**Disulfiram** This drug causes an uncomfortable physical reaction when drinking alcohol again, which may lead to symptoms such as:

- Nausea

- Dizziness

- Vomiting

- Chest pain

**Nalmefene**  The effect of this drug is similar to that of naltrexone, as it works to block opioid receptors, which also reduces the desire to drink alcohol and relieves the feeling of euphoria that a person seeks when drinking alcohol

**Symptoms of long-term alcohol abuse:**

These symptoms appear as a result of consuming alcohol in large quantities and for long periods, and include:

1. **Pancreatitis:**   It occurs as a result of abnormal activity of the digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas, which leads to their accumulation. This accumulation can cause pancreatitis, which may lead to serious complications and last for a long time.

2. **Liver diseases and chronic hepatitis:**   Alcohol abuse causesAbout the formation of scars on the liver, which eventually leads to cirrhosis, as it becomes unable to remove toxic substances, including alcohol. Women are more susceptible to liver disease than men, because a woman's body absorbs alcohol more and takes longer to process it.

3. **High blood sugar:** Among the symptoms resulting from excessive alcohol consumption, the pancreas and liver are damaged, preventing the body from producing enough insulin.

4. **Effects on the central nervous system:** These effects include difficulty speaking, loss of balance, numbness and tingling in the extremities, forgetfulness, and difficulty thinking clearly. Damage may also occur to the frontal lobe of the brain, which is responsible for controlling emotions and short-term memory. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to permanent brain damage.

**5- Addiction:** Addiction is one of the most prominent results of excessive alcohol consumption, and the process of alcohol withdrawal from the body can be difficult and life-threatening, so it must be done under medical supervision. Addiction treatment Various programs for treating alcohol addiction and rehabilitation, according to each patient's condition.

**6- Effect on the digestive system:** Symptoms do not appear on the digestive system immediately, but damage occurs to the tissues of the digestive system, which prevents the intestines from digesting food and absorbing nutrients and vitamins, leading to malnutrition. Other symptoms of excessive alcohol consumption include gas, bloating, a feeling of fullness, diarrhea, and pain during defecation, in addition to the possibility of ulcers and hemorrhoids, and internal bleeding may occur. Ulcers can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated early.

**7- Cancer:** Types associated with alcohol include cancer of the throat, mouth, esophagus, colon, liver, and breast.

**8- Its effect on blood circulation:** Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to heart and lung disease, high blood pressure, and increased heart rate, which increases the risk of stroke and heart attacks.

9- Anemia: It occurs as a result of difficulty absorbing nutrients and vitamins.

10- Erectile dysfunction and decreased libido in men

11- Amenorrhea in women**: This may lead to infertility, premature birth, miscarriage, and stillbirth. Pregnant women may also be at risk for the fetus, including fetal alcohol syndrome (FASD).

12- Weakened immune system**: Among the symptoms resulting from excessive alcohol consumption, there is an increased risk of pneumonia and tuberculosis. Statistics indicate that 10% of tuberculosis cases worldwide are mainly linked to alcohol consumption

**Symptoms of alcohol consumption:**

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to alcohol poisoning, while alcohol withdrawal symptoms may appear when drinking stops.

**Symptoms of alcohol poisoning:**

- Inappropriate behavior.

- Changes in mental status.

- Mood swings.

- Poor judgment.

- Difficulty speaking.

- Poor concentration and memory.

- Inability to control physical movements.

- Loss of consciousness.

In cases of significant increases in blood alcohol levels, coma or even death may occur.

**Alcohol withdrawal symptoms:**

Withdrawal symptoms usually appear several hours after stopping drinking, and may last for 4-5 days. These symptoms include:

- Sweating.

- Increased heart rate.

- Hand tremors.

- Difficulty sleeping.

- Nausea and vomiting.

- Hallucinations and anxiety.

- Irritability and anxiety.

**How ​​can alcohol addiction be treated with the Qur’an?**


This is done by getting closer to God Almighty by listening to the Holy Qur’an and regularly reading part of it daily, in addition to listening to the legal ruqyah with the intention of healing and recovering from this disease. It is also important to read supplications that help in staying away from drinking alcohol, such as: “O God, remove the love of sins from our hearts,” as we return to sins whenever we repent, and we regret whenever we repeat, and we break the promises we made to you.

“My Lord, guide me and return me to You in a beautiful way.” This spiritual treatment contributes greatly to the success of overcoming the stage of alcohol addiction treatment, and it also wards off the temptations of human and jinn devils that push one to return to drinking alcohol.

In addition, treating alcohol addiction with the Qur’an brings peace and calm to the addict’s soul, and instills fear of Allah’s punishment due to this forbidden act, which enhances his spirit of determination and patience in the face of challenges during the treatment period.

**How ​​to avoid the risks of drinking alcohol?**


Here are some tips that can help you reduce the health risks associated with drinking alcohol:

1. **Avoid storing alcohol:** Many people prefer to have milk, yogurt, and eggs in their refrigerators, and this is normal. But if you replace these foods with alcohol, such as making beer the main item in the refrigerator, drinking it becomes very easy throughout the evening. Instead, try to rely on social occasions that include drinking alcohol, so that you do not find yourself drinking larger quantities than is healthy.

2. **Beware of emotional drinking:** The term "emotional drinking" refers to using alcohol as a way to deal with emotional emptiness or failures, such as after a hard day at work or a disagreement with your partner. Don't use alcohol as a way to escape your feelings in times of joy or sadness. When you feel happy, celebrate your moment without relying on external influences, as well as in times of despair and sadness. Because emotional drinking is one of the substances that cause depression or make things worse, try to find other ways to deal with negative feelings and celebrate.

3. Don't engage in drinking**: When you go to a party, stay away from holding a glass, communicate with people and be aware of the moment when you know that you have already overdone, realize the moment when you drink a worrying amount of alcohol and admit to yourself that you need to slow down, instead of drinking, fill your stomach with water and soft drinks and don'tCompete for drinking

4. Don’t go to places of abuse**: Especially if you are in a country that legalizes alcohol, don’t hang out with coworkers during happy hour, and don’t meet someone in bars. Instead, suggest different activities such as going to the movies, playing sports, arcades or clubs.

5. Don’t mix with people who drink**: If you are aware of your relationships with those around you and evaluate them, you should evaluate this to interact only with those who do not drink. Encourage yourself to be around others who respect themselves and their health and do not encourage or compete with you to drink more. Your health is calling you, so leave the ways in which these people affect you so that you stop constantly over-consuming alcohol and regretting it the next morning after a night of unconsciousness, useless loitering and lost work days.