Benefits and harms of white betel nut and sex

"I started with half a pill, and now I take almost the entire strip daily"; this is what many who take Tamol express, due to the rumored strong relationship between white Tamol and sex, in addition to being a powerful drug that helps in hard work. Learn through the Dalili Medical website how dangerous it is and its negative effects that may lead to the destruction of their lives.

When do Tamol sex pills start to work?


When taking Tamol sex pills, their effect usually begins after 30 to 60 minutes. After that, the person feels a desire to have sex and a strong attraction, and their effect usually decreases over time, as the effectiveness of the pills lasts from 6 to 8 hours.

**Benefits of white Tamol for sex**

One of the benefits of white Tamol for sex is that it helps treat premature ejaculation in men, allowing them more time during sexual intercourse. It works to delay ejaculation and increase the duration of the relationship, which gives a feeling of continuity.

Does Tamol for sex cause addiction?


Yes, it has been proven that using Tramadol in irregular doses and without medical advice can lead to addiction, which exposes the user's health to great risks.

What is the appropriate dose of Tramadol for delayed ejaculation?


The attending physician determines the appropriate dose for each patient based on his condition, and may recommend a dose ranging from a quarter to half a tablet once or twice a week.

When does the effect of White Tramadol begin?


The effect of White Tramadol begins to appear within a period ranging from half an hour to an hour, and this period may vary depending on the dose and the concentration of the active substance in the pills.

**Tramadol alternative for sex without side effects?**


Predabox is an alternative to Tramadol and does not cause addiction, but it is preferable not to use any alternative to Tramadol for sexual purposes without medical advice, to avoid potential health risks.

**Does Tramadol Strengthen Erection?**


No, on the contrary, Tramadol reduces sexual arousal and weakens erection

**What is fake red Tramadol?**


Some fake Chinese Tramadol types have recently spread in Egypt, especially red Tramadol, due to the increasing talk about the benefits of Tramadol for sex among young people, which has led to the emergence of serious symptoms such as epilepsy with use.

**Does Tramadol Help with Erection?**


Initially, Tramadol may help with erection and give the man a feeling of strength and sexual ability. But over time, these negative effects are reversed, leading to sexual weakness.

What is the effect of Tramadol on the marital relationship?


Many men and women rely on the use of Tramadol during sexual intercourse, as it is believed that it helps delay ejaculation and enhances the feeling of pleasure. However, despite these temporary benefits, continued use of Tramadol may lead to a deterioration in marital life. This is because it has side effects that affect a man's ability to get an erection, which may lead to premature ejaculation and reduce the enjoyment of both parties in sexual intercourse.

The relationship between tamol x 225 and premature ejaculation?


Some studies indicate that tamol x 225 may have a role in treating premature ejaculation, whether by using it in intermittent or permanent doses. However, it is necessary to do this under medical supervision and adhere to the recommended doses to avoid the potential risks associated with tramadol.

**Reasons for using tamol (tramadol) in tablet form:**

- It is used as an effective pain reliever, especially during the withdrawal phase of addiction.

- It is considered a strong pain reliever for treating renal colic.

- It is used to relieve moderate to severe body pain.

- It is used to relieve pain from tumors and surgeries.

**Scientific name and pharmaceutical forms:**

Tamol is the trade name for tramadol, and is available in the following pharmaceutical forms:

- Tamol tablets with a concentration of 50 mg orally.

- Tamol tablets with a concentration of 50 mg, quickly dissolve in the mouth.

- Extended-release tablets with a concentration of 100 mg and 200 mg.

**Benefits of Tamol for sexual life**

Tamol is considered one of the substances that are believed to have great sexual benefits, as many seek to use it believing that it improves the sexual relationship between partners. However, they often overlook the potential harms that may appear in the long term. Among the benefits attributed to it in sexual health are:

- Increasing the duration of sexual intercourse between partners.

- Treating cases of premature ejaculation by reducing the sensitivity of the genital nerves.

- Enhancing the secretion of happiness hormones, which contributes to a feeling of comfort and relaxation.

- Increasing the desire to have sexual intercourse.

**What is Tamol?**

Tamol is one of the narcotic substances used in many medical applications, including:

- Tamol is the trade name for the substance "Tramadol Hydrochloride".

- Tramadol is a powerful painkiller used to relieve severe and moderate pain.

- It is used medically to relieve post-surgery pain in the spine, in addition to cancer pain and nerve inflammation.

- Tamol belongs to the narcotic analgesic (opioid) family, as it works to affect the central nervous system to stop nerve signals that send the feeling of pain to the brain. However, continuing to take it for a long time may lead to negative effects.

**Negative effects resulting from taking Tamol**

A group of digestive disorders such as nausea and vomiting appear.

The user suffers from auditory and visual hallucinations, and the severity of these hallucinations increases with increasing doses.

After a period of using Tamol, suicidal thoughts may creep into the mind of the user, and he may think about harming others or causing them harm.

The user feels dizzy and vertigo, in addition to blurred vision, so it is advised not to take this drug while driving vehicles.

In general, the negative effects of Tamol are very similar to those resulting from taking Tramadol, due to them containing the same chemical substance.

**What is the effect of a quarter of a tamol?**


The usual doseThe appropriate dose of Tramadol ranges from 50 mg to 100 mg every 4 to 6 hours to relieve chronic pain. However, the doctor may start with a quarter tablet of Tramadol and gradually increase it over time to achieve the desired results.

It is important to note that many people who are addicted to Tramadol start by taking a quarter tablet, and over time the body adapts to the dose, which necessitates increasing the amount to get the same effect. Therefore, the doses specified by the doctor must be adhered to.

**Tramadol and sexual use**

The most common phrase is that some people take Tramadol for sexual purposes. Let's learn more about this topic:

Many men use Tramadol to enhance erection and control premature ejaculation. Initially, taking Tramadol may increase sexual ability and desire, due to its association with opioid receptors in the central nervous system, creating a strong feeling of desire for sex. However, Tramadol gives a false sense of strength and activity, but these positive symptoms soon disappear, leading to a decline in sexual performance in men. Also, using Tramadol for sexual purposes can lead to adrenal insufficiency, which negatively affects a man's ability to produce certain hormones, and hinders the effective functioning of testosterone, which may lead to a complete loss of sexual desire and difficulty in erection. As for women, the use of Tramadol also affects fertility, as it reduces the chances of pregnancy and increases the likelihood of miscarriage.

**Dosage and method of use of Tramadol (tablets)**

It is preferable to take Tramadol after meals with a sufficient amount of water.

It is warned against using this medicine without an approved prescription.

You should avoid taking high doses or using it for long periods to avoid the risk of addiction.

It is recommended to start with the lowest dose and shortest treatment period to avoid health problems.

Do not increase the dose without consulting a specialist doctor.

Tramadol may cause drowsiness and affect concentration and movement, so it is advisable to avoid driving or using machines while taking it.

Tramadol should not be taken with alcohol.

An overdose of tramadol can lead to serious side effects, and may even lead to death.

Suddenly stopping taking tramadol may cause certain withdrawal symptoms, so it is advisable not to stop treatment except after consulting a doctor and under his supervision.

**Physical harms of tramadol**

Tramadol greatly affects the body, as it causes:

- Cold extremities.

- Loss of consciousness and fainting.

- Liver cirrhosis.

- Muscle spasms.

- Feeling dizzy and chronic headaches.

- Sleep disorders and insomnia.

Taking excessive doses of tramadol can also lead to death, while taking a large dose may cause poisoning. In addition, loss of concentration and imbalance can increase the risk of accidents, especially while driving.

**Harms of Tamol on mental health**

Tamol abuse leads to many psychological and physical damages. Among the psychological damages it can cause are:

- Psychological agitation.

- Anxiety and depressive episodes.

- Mood swings.

- Constant tension and agitation for the simplest reasons.

- Severe anger attacks.

- A constant feeling of isolation and loneliness.

**Harms of Tamol on the brain**

The damage to the brain includes:

- Severe headache.

- Severe pain in the head and brain.

- Loss of the ability to concentrate.

- Poor concentration and balance disorders.

- Disturbances in all mental activities.

- Poor understanding and poor comprehension.

**Drug interactions for Tamol**

Tamol should be used with caution in the following cases, and it is recommended to inform the doctor or pharmacist to adjust the dose or conduct the necessary tests:

Using medications that work to relax the muscles.

Use of antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, citalopram, or fluoxetine.

Use of medications to treat epilepsy.

Use of medications to treat hyperactivity and activity.

Use of medications to treat heart rhythm disorders, such as amiodarone or quinidine.

Use of medications to treat cancer tumors, such as imatinib.

Medications to treat migraines, such as sumatriptan.

Use of diltiazem.


Medications used to treat acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Antifungals, such as ketoconazole and itraconazole.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

Use of medications to treat insomnia, colds, or allergies.

Use of anticoagulant medications.

** Side effects of Tamol tablets **

You should stop taking Tamol tablets and consult a doctor in the following cases:

- Feeling of acidity, indigestion, and heartburn.

- Mood disorders.

- Sweating and loss of appetite.

- Severe headaches and panic attacks.

- Nausea and vomiting.

- Dry mouth.

- Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

**Warnings when using Tamol**

Tamol tablets should be used with caution in the following cases:

- Patients with bacterial infections in the brain or spine.

- Patients who have had strokes.

- Patients with alcohol addiction.

- Patients with liver or kidney problems.

- Patients with epileptic seizures.

- Patients with breathing problems or asthma attacks.

- Caution should be exercised when driving or using machines, as the drug may cause drowsiness.

**Dangers of Tamol tablets overdose**

When taking an overdose of Tamol tablets, some side effects may appear, including:

- Constriction of the pupil.

- Loss of consciousness.

- Feeling very dizzy.

- Decreased heart rate.

- Muscle weakness.

- Cold and clammy skin.

If any of these symptoms appear, a dose of D should be given.Naloxone and contact emergency services immediately while monitoring the condition of the injured person

**Social harms of Tamol**

Drugs in general negatively affect individuals and societies, leading to multiple losses in various fields. The impact of Tamol on the social aspect is evident through:

- Decline in the human workforce, leading to decreased productivity.

- Increased accident rates, especially when driving under the influence of drugs.

- Increased unemployment rates as a result of users leaving their jobs and failing to perform their duties.

**Damages of Tamol on the liver**

Tamol seriously affects the liver, especially its functions, as it causes:

- Increased sugar levels in the liver.

- Liver cirrhosis.

- Severe liver failure, especially those responsible for absorption.

- Increased secretion of fats in the liver.

**Damages of Chinese Tamol**

Chinese Tamol is a type of original Tamol, but it is characterized by its low price. With the high prices of original Tramadol and the difficulty of obtaining it, many markets around the world have turned to trading Chinese Tramadol, which has become widely popular due to its low cost. However, taking Chinese Tramadol has many harmful effects, most notably:

- Loss of consciousness.

- Slow heartbeat.

- Liver cirrhosis.

- Respiratory disorders, manifesting as difficulty in breathing.

- Exposure to some auditory and visual hallucinations.

- Feeling cold and trembling in the extremities.

- Stomach disorders.

- Increased risk of cancer.

**Medical indications for Tramadol:**

Although the vast majority of people who take Tramadol in its various forms misuse it, especially because of its strong association with sexual stimulation, which has led to millions falling into the trap of addiction, this does not negate the fact that it is a powerful and effective medical drug in treating many diseases and pains.

The most prominent benefits of tramadol when used in a medical context and under the supervision of specialists:

- It is used as a strong painkiller to treat some cases of severe bone fractures, but in doses determined by the doctor and for a limited period of time.

- It helps relieve the pain of patients suffering from chronic diseases, such as the pain of cancer patients.

- It is used to relieve post-surgical pain.

- It is considered effective in relieving the pain of chronic headaches that other treatments fail to treat.

- It is used to treat esophageal reflux, which causes severe pain.

- It helps relieve spinal cord pain and herniated disc, and other medical benefits, but under the supervision of a specialized doctor.

As for the use of tramadol for sexual purposes, it is not one of its medical uses, but rather is considered one of the side effects resulting from its use.

**Symptoms of addiction to Tamol (tablets)**

Some believe that Tamol (tablets) enhances the body's strength and activity, in addition to improving sexual ability. Some also think that it is just a simple painkiller. But the truth is that this drug can lead to addiction, as many people take it to avoid feeling tired and exhausted. Because of their efforts that exceed their physical capacity, they take Tramadol in large doses, which leads to addiction. Here are some symptoms associated with Tramadol addiction and its effect on the nervous system and the body.

**Symptoms of Tramadol addiction on the nervous system**

Tramadol causes depression of both the central nervous system and the respiratory system, leading to difficulty breathing, coma, increased anxiety and tension, headaches, tremors, and severe depression. Sometimes, these symptoms may increase the desire to commit suicide. Tramadol addiction also leads to mood swings, changing behaviors, and increased aggression.

**Symptoms of Tramadol addiction on the body**

Tramadol affects the secretion of the natural substance serotonin, which leads to increased anxiety and tension, loss of appetite, and significant weight loss. Tramadol also causes an increase in the rate of staying up late, constriction of the pupil, and excessive nervousness.

When does the effect of Tramadol on sex begin?


The effect of Tamol usually begins after half an hour to an hour of taking it, and lasts for a period ranging from four to six hours. The timing of the effect varies based on several factors, including:

- Method of use.

- Times of taking the medicine.

- Dosage taken.

- Concentration of the active ingredient in the medicine.

What is the relationship between Tamol and erection?


Tamol is mainly used to relieve pain, but it has side effects that may affect sexual health, such as:

- Decreased sexual desire.

- Erectile dysfunction.

With increasing duration of use and higher doses, a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood and an increase in the level of prolactin may be observed. It is important to note that men who use Tamol to treat premature ejaculation may be more susceptible to multiple sexual problems.

Does Tamol affect pregnancy?


Using Tamol not only threatens the health of the fetus, but also affects the health of the mother. With repeated use, physical, mental and psychological effects may appear that increase the difficulty of pregnancy, which exposes the mother to the risk of miscarriage. Possible effects of tamol on pregnant women include:

- Dizziness

- Difficulty sleeping

- Headache

- Heartburn

- Tremors of the extremities

- Muscle pain

- Nausea and vomiting

- Depression

- Pregnancy bleeding

- Preeclampsia

- High levels of anxiety and stress

- Risk of addiction

- Risk of premature birth

- Risk of fetal death in the mother's womb

**Damages of tamol and sex:**

Addiction to white tamol leads to many physical risks and psychological disorders that may threaten the life of the user. In addition, it has negative effects on sexual life, which are manifested in serious symptoms including:

1. **Erectile dysfunction and impotence:**   This sometimes occurs as a result of complete relaxation that the body is exposed to, which leads to a weakened ability to control its functions.

2. **Low sexual desire:**   It results from a sharp decrease in the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire, as a result of the effect ofTramadol affects the nervous system, which regulates the levels of this hormone.

3. **Difficulty in conceiving and infertility:** This is considered one of the most serious harms associated with Tramadol, as it affects the deformity and death of sperm, in addition to its effect on their movement, which may lead to difficulty in conceiving and possibly infertility.

4. **Inability to reach orgasm:** Due to the complete relaxation felt by the user, Tramadol acts as a powerful narcotic that reduces the sense of internal and external stimuli, making it difficult to reach orgasm.

5. **Ejaculation disorders:** With continued addiction to white Tramadol and sex and increasing doses to achieve the same effect, excessive delay in ejaculation may occur, and sometimes premature ejaculation as a reverse effect upon stopping, leading to tension and collapse of the sexual relationship.

6. **Sexual frigidity in women:** Due to the effect of Tramadol as a powerful narcotic, women lose the sense of sexual stimuli, which prevents them from reaching orgasm.

7. **Negative effect on pregnancy:** The effect of Tramadol on pregnant women is considered one of the most dangerous damages, as it can lead to placental bleeding, miscarriage, or premature birth.

8. **Negative effect on the fetus:** A pregnant woman's addiction to Tramadol directly affects the fetus, as it may cause slow growth, premature birth, or withdrawal symptoms in the fetus after birth.

**Transmission of sexually transmitted diseases:** Among the effects of Tramadol and sex, there is a great risk of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis C, and AIDS, as a result of engaging in extramarital sexual relations with people infected with these diseases.

4. **Death of sperm:** The effects of Tramadol and sex include deformity and death of the user's sperm, in addition to affecting the quality of semen.

**How ​​to treat sexual damage resulting from Tramadol:**


Treating sexual damage resulting from Tramadol requires immediate cessation of drug use. If the patient is not addicted, these damages will disappear automatically. If the patient has reached the stage of addiction, he must undergo a treatment program in a specialized addiction treatment center, chosen according to the patient's condition. This program aims to treat the symptoms of Tramadol withdrawal in a comfortable manner, through the use of medications that help cleanse the body of toxins, in addition to treating the side effects resulting from drug use.

**Treatment of white tramadol addiction and its effect on sex:**


Tramadol is one of the narcotic substances that require a decisive decision to stop taking it immediately. It is necessary to do this under the supervision of a treatment program specialized in treating tramadol addiction and its effect on sexual health. The earlier this decision is made, the greater the chances of restoring physical and sexual health.

1. **Initial medical examination:** During this stage, the necessary tests are performed, in addition to reviewing the medical history and conducting a clinical examination to assess the condition and choose the best treatment methods.

2. **Detoxification stage and treatment of withdrawal symptoms:** This stage is considered one of the most important stages of treating white tramadol addiction and its effect on sex, due to the seriousness of withdrawal symptoms, which must be done under the supervision of a specialized medical doctor.

**3. Psychological support and behavioral rehabilitation stage: **In this stage, the patient is provided with full support and encouraged to continue the treatment journey successfully under the supervision of a specialized psychiatrist. Work is also done to change all the negative thoughts and behaviors that he acquired as a result of drug abuse, and transform them into positive thoughts and behaviors.

**4. Social rehabilitation and relapse prevention stage: **This stage is considered one of the most important stages of treating addiction to white tamol and sex, as the patient's family and close friends participate in it. They provide psychological support and work to keep him away from everything that was a cause or contributing factor in taking tamol, with the aim of achieving recovery and preventing future relapses.

متى يبدأ تأثير حبوب التامول للجنس؟**فوائد التامول الأبيض للجنس*هل يسبب التامول للجنس الإدمان؟ما هي الجرعة المناسبة من الترامادول لتأخير القذف؟متى يبدأ تأثير التامول الأبيض؟**بديل الترامادول للجنس بدون آثار جانبية؟**هل التامول يقوي الانتصاب؟****ما هو الترامادول الأحمر المغشوش؟****هل التامول يساعد على الانتصاب؟**ما تأثير التامول على العلاقة الزوجية؟العلاقة بين tamol x 225 وسرعة القذف؟**أسباب استخدام دواء التامول (ترامادول) في شكل أقراص:****الاسم العلمي والأشكال الصيدلانية:****فوائد التامول للحياة الجنسية****ما هو التامول؟****الآثار السلبية الناتجة عن تناول التامول****ما هو تأثير ربع تامول؟****التامول والاستخدام الجنسي****جرعة وطريقة استخدام دواء الترامادول (أقراص)****أضرار التامول الجسدية****أضرار التامول على الصحة النفسية****الأعراض الجانبية لدواء تامول أقراص****تحذيرات عند استخدام عقار تامول****أضرار التامول الاجتماعية****أضرار التامول على الكبد****أضرار التامول الصيني****دواعي استعمال الترامادول الطبية:****أعراض إدمان دواء تامول (أقراص)****أعراض إدمان الترامادول على الجهاز العصبي**متى يبدأ تأثير التامول على الجنس؟ما العلاقة بين التامول والانتصاب؟هل يؤثر التامول على الحمل؟**كيفية علاج الأضرار الجنسية الناتجة عن التامول:****علاج إدمان التامول الأبيض وتأثيره على الجنس:**