Apetril is one of the most prominent drugs used as a narcotic, as it is characterized by its ability to provide a feeling of euphoria and relaxation, in addition to relieving anxiety and fear within a short period after taking it. But did you know that it can lead to suicidal thoughts? Despite the benefits of Apetril and its rapid effect, the body can become addicted to it without you realizing it at first. Let us review together in my Dalili Medical, the symptoms of Apetril addiction and withdrawal symptoms, in addition to its harms and available treatment methods.
Using Apetril for the first time does not lead to addiction, but if it is taken for a period longer than the medically recommended period, it can lead to rapid addiction. The sedative and anti-anxiety effects of benzodiazepines are the main reason behind Apetril addiction, as they create a feeling of euphoria, in addition to a sense of relaxation and calm, and help relieve stress. Another prominent cause of addiction is its ability to combat insomnia, which makes it used for long periods as sleeping pills without the need for a prescription.
The relationship between Apetril and depression is that it is a sedative for the nervous system, which helps to relax, get rid of anxiety and calm depression. However, this relationship may turn into the opposite if the person becomes addicted to it, as it can increase the severity of the disorder, which may lead in some cases to suicide.
The period of Apetril's exit from the body takes about 48 hours, and may extend to 7 days in some cases.
The duration of Apetril's effect varies from person to person based on individual factors such as age, weight and health condition. The duration is also affected by the type of Apetril pills and the concentration of the drug. In general, the effect of Apetril ranges from 6 to 8 hours.
Yes, at first Apetril can delay ejaculation, but over time it may lead to sexual weakness and difficulty in ejaculation.
Apetril is associated with the idea of being a "temporary courage pill", as it can cause a feeling of strength and lack of fear of committing violent crimes due to its effect on nerve cell activity.
Apetril is not an alternative to Tramadol, as it belongs to the category of sedatives, not painkillers. The use of Apetril and Tramadol should be determined by a specialist doctor, due to the psychological side effects associated with both drugs.
Apetril 2 mg tablet is used to treat epilepsy, tardive movement disorder, and restless legs syndrome. It is also used to treat rapid eye movement and teeth grinding.
Apetril is classified as a Schedule III drug in the Narcotics Control Act due to its potential for abuse and high addictive properties, so it can only be dispensed from pharmacies with a sealed prescription.
Although Abetril works by depressing the central nervous system, making it an effective pain reliever and anti-epileptic, its use without medical supervision can lead to nerve cell disorders. This unjustified use may cause confusion of perception and feelings, resulting in a false sense of courage, strength and activity in Abetril addicts. Over time, the addict may believe that he has supernatural powers.
As for the question of whether Abetril appears in a drug test, the answer is yes, as it can be detected in a urine test. Medical reports have shown that it can remain in the urine for up to several weeks, although some tests may show negative results even 24 hours after taking the last dose.
There are several types of Abetril alternatives sold on the black market by drug dealers, especially after warnings issued to pharmacies about the spread of counterfeit types of this drug, following the disappearance of Tramadol. These drugs are considered addictive substances when overused or taken without medical advice.
The feeling of euphoria resulting from taking Abetril tablets quickly fades, leaving the person facing feelings of pain, fear and depression. It also has serious psychological and physical effects that negatively affect the health of the user.
Yes, Abetril tablets are considered one of the strongest sedatives and hypnotics, as they contain the substance "Clonazepam", which is famous in the field of sedatives.
The effect of Abetril begins half an hour to an hour after taking it, and its effect lasts for a period ranging from 6 to 8 hours. It should be noted that this period may vary from person to person based on several factors.
**Abitril Doses**
Taking high doses of Abitril leads to the drug starting to work faster and lasting longer compared to taking low doses.
The body's response to Abitril varies from one person to another, depending on the efficiency of the liver and kidneys and the metabolic rate.
**Age**Advancing age in the patient delays the onset of the drug's effect compared to younger people.
**Weight**A person's weight plays a role in the effect of the drug; as the increase in the percentage of fat in the body may delay the effect of the drug.
**How can I nullify the effect of Abitril?**
The effect of Abitril can be nullified by completely stopping its use and going to a hospital specialized in addiction treatment, while adhering to the prescribed treatment plan to withdraw drug toxins from the body, in addition to cognitive behavioral therapy. While there are some common unhealthy methods that are believed to help nullify the effect of Abitril, they do not affect or help remove the drug from the body, and the most prominentThese methods:
- Drink large amounts of lemon juice or coffee.
- Use stimulating herbs.
- Eat onions and garlic.
- Drink plenty of water or vinegar.
Apetril is used to treat some anxiety disorders, and it also helps calm the spasms and seizures that some patients may suffer from. The most prominent indications for its use are:
- **Combating anxiety disorders:** Apetril tablets are used to treat various anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.
- **Treating convulsions:** Apetril is also used to treat convulsions resulting from some psychological disorders.
**Relieving alcohol withdrawal symptoms**
Apetril is effective in relieving severe symptoms resulting from alcohol withdrawal, but it should only be used with a prescription.
**Anesthesia** Apetril is sometimes used as an anesthetic before surgery, as it works as a powerful pain reliever for physical pain.
The duration of Apetril withdrawal symptoms varies from person to person, but on average they range from 10 to 15 days, and may extend to a month. Symptoms are divided into two types: early symptoms that are relatively mild, then develop into severe symptoms that gradually increase in severity, including:
1. **Early withdrawal symptoms:** Early symptoms within 24 to 72 hours of stopping use, and last for up to 4 days. These symptoms include a strong desire for the drug, anxiety, tension, nausea, and vomiting.
2. **Acute withdrawal symptoms:** Acute symptoms begin to appear, reaching their peak within a period ranging from 10 days to 8 weeks after stopping use. These symptoms include depression, agitation, hallucinations, and insomnia, and in some rare cases may last longer.
Apetril addiction increases the risk of drug overdose, as a result of the body's tolerance to the drug. The risks and complications are exacerbated if Abetril is taken with alcohol or other types of drugs.
The most prominent serious complications of Abetril addiction are:
- Severe sedation.
- Severe confusion.
- Delirium.
- Deterioration in respiratory function.
- Central nervous system depression.
- Loss of consciousness.
- Exposure to a coma.
- Sudden death.
Doctors recommend avoiding the use of Abetril if planning to become pregnant or if you are already pregnant, due to the potential harm that may affect the fetus, including:
- The possibility of miscarriage or birth defects.
- The appearance of withdrawal symptoms in the newborn.
- The child is born with health problems, such as problems with the liver or other vital organs.
- The drug is transferred to the child during breastfeeding through breast milk.
Apetril is usually used for short periods, and over time, the brain chemistry adapts to the presence of the drug, which leads to the patient feeling a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, the person may continue to take Apetril for a longer period with an increase in the dose to get the same effect. Many people believe that taking Apetril is safe compared to other narcotic substances, due to its medical use in treating some conditions, but this is a misconception that may lead to deterioration in health
Continuous use of Apetril can cause psychological dependence, and in some cases, it may develop into serious disorders such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or psychosis.
The duration of Apetril withdrawal symptoms ranges from a week to a month, and these symptoms vary based on several factors, let's review them:
**Amount of Apetril** The higher the doses of Apetril taken, the more severe the withdrawal symptoms.
**Duration of taking Abtril** People experience more severe withdrawal symptoms when using Abtril for long periods, compared to those who take it for a short period.
**Liver and kidney health** If there are any health problems with the liver or kidneys, this affects the body's ability to get rid of Abtril, leading to more severe withdrawal symptoms.
**Metabolic rate** People who have problems with their metabolic rate may also experience more severe withdrawal symptoms.
**Taking drugs with Abtril** Using Abtril with other medications that interact with it or with types of drugs can increase the severity of withdrawal symptoms compared to taking it alone.
Abtril withdrawal symptoms are one of the first stages of treating addiction to this drug, as they represent a cry of protest from your body expressing that there is a malfunction in its system as a result of stopping taking the drug that it has become dependent on. When it is unable to function normally without it, the body begins to show signs of disorder through a set of psychological and physical symptoms, which include:
1. **Intense desire for the drug:** When you stop taking it, you will feel a strong desire to take the drug, due to the brain centers’ dependence on it. When you stop taking it, you may suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder and a strong craving to obtain it.
2. **Severe depression:** You may experience feelings of severe depression, sadness, and constant distress, and these feelings may sometimes reach suicidal thoughts.
3. **Poor memory and concentration:** As a result of the disorder in the brain centers and the slowness of nerve signals, you may suffer from poor concentration and short-term memory.
4. **Nausea and vomiting:** You may feel nauseous and vomit as a result of stomach muscle spasms, and this may be accompanied by severe diarrhea.
5. Auditory and visual hallucinations: During the withdrawal period of Apetril, you may feel the presence of people around you or hear voices whispering in your ear, in addition to feeling insects walking on your hands. These symptoms are caused by auditory and visual hallucinations that occur as a result of chemical disturbance in the brain.
6. Insomnia: Sleeping will become difficult, unlike the period of use when you feel sleepy, your body will completely transform into insomnia interspersed with nightmares as a result of drug withdrawal.
7. TwitchingBody: During drug withdrawal from your body, you may also experience body cramps and tremors in the limbs, due to increased activity of nerve signals from the brain to the body as a result of epileptic seizures that may affect you.
8. Dizziness and vertigo: Drug withdrawal causes you to feel dizzy, lightheaded, and lose your balance, and sometimes this is due to a sharp and sudden rise in blood pressure.
9. Rapid breathing: Unlike the period of drug use, which may be accompanied by difficulty breathing, things will turn during drug withdrawal into rapid breathing and a feeling of shortness of breath, and sometimes you may feel chest pain.
10. Detachment from reality: You feel as if you are in a strange dream that you cannot understand, as you go through a period of drug withdrawal. You will feel detached from reality and the events surrounding you, with a sense of apathy and inability to comprehend what is being said or happening.
11. Severe mood swings: Your mood will swing from extreme calmness to irritability and agitation, and may sometimes develop into violent outbursts.
Abetril can stay in the blood for up to 48 hours after taking the last dose.
**How long does Abetril stay in the urine** Abetril stays in the urine for 7 days from the time of taking the last dose.
**How long does Abetril stay in the saliva** Abetril stays in the saliva for 5 to 6 days, but this test is considered inaccurate to detect Abetril and is not commonly used.
The effects of Abetril pills on sexual life are very serious. Although some promote this drug as a means of enhancing male potency and improving sexual performance, the results may be counterproductive, including the following:
**Erectile dysfunction** Apatril belongs to the class of benzodiazepines that depress the nervous system, leading to a feeling of relaxation and relaxation of the body's muscles, including the muscles of the reproductive system. This makes it difficult to achieve an erection.
**Stopped ejaculation** Some users of Apatril believe that delayed ejaculation that occurs at the beginning of its use is a positive effect on sexual health. However, in reality, this may be a sign of an inability to ejaculate or become aroused, as the drug affects neurotransmitters and reduces the normal reaction of feeling and weakens blood flow to the reproductive system.
**Loss of sexual desire** As a result of the previous problems, and over time, taking Apatril, the addict may reach a stage of not feeling sexual arousal and losing desire.
**Effect of using Apatril on pregnant and breastfeeding women**This drug should be avoided during pregnancy except in cases that clearly require it, as the potential benefits must be greater than the risks associated with it. Potential risks of using this medication include:
- A baby born to a mother taking Abatril may be at risk of withdrawal.
- It is recommended to take folic acid before and during pregnancy to reduce the risks associated with such medications.
- Pregnancy itself and stopping treatment may worsen epilepsy.
- The patient should be warned of the potential risks to the fetus before starting treatment.
- Women taking this medication should continue treatment if they become pregnant, using the lowest effective dose possible.
- In some cases, the fetus may be at risk of malformations as a result of taking Abatril, depending on the timing of taking the medication during pregnancy.
As for using Abatril during breastfeeding, a decision must be made either to stop breastfeeding or to stop the medication, as Abatril can cause many harms because it is excreted in breast milk, and studies have shown that some children have suffered negative effects as a result.
Contraindications for the use of Abetril:
1. **Pregnant women**: It is strictly forbidden to take Abetril during pregnancy, especially in the first three months, because it may lead to fetal malformations, according to the US Food and Drug Administration.
2. **Breastfeeding women**: The effect of the drug on infants and breastfeeding women is not precisely known, so it is preferable to avoid it if safe alternatives are available.
3. **Liver patients**.
4. **Myasthenia gravis patients**.
5. **Respiratory system patients**.
**Abetril pills harms:**
Prevention is better than cure, so it is important to know the harms of Abetril pills to avoid them. Although this drug is effective in treating many medical conditions, it may cause physical, psychological and behavioral harm, including:
**Comprehensive diagnosis** At this stage, the doctor collects all information related to the Abetril addict, including his addiction history and the reasons that prompted him to use it, in addition to the duration of his use of the drug. All necessary psychological and physical examinations are performed, and then the most appropriate treatment program is developed.
**Detoxification** This step is considered a process of cleansing the body of toxins, and is carried out under the supervision of a group of the best doctors in the Arab world. Some medications are also used to control the withdrawal symptoms of Abetril and reduce the desire to take it.
**Psychological and behavioral rehabilitation** This is the most important step in treating Abetril addiction, as it aims to rehabilitate the recovering addict psychologically and behaviorally so that he can integrate into society again. This includes training him on drug resistance strategies and providing a safe environment and a supportive community to protect him from relapse.
**Physical side effects:**
- Feeling sleepy, dizzy and tired.
- Problems with memory and concentration.
- Blurred vision.
- Runny nose and increased salivation.
- Disturbances in sexual desire.
- Allergic reactions including rash, itching, swelling of the face and throat, and difficulty breathing.
**Psychological side effects:**
- Depression and anxiety.
- Suicidal tendencies, thoughts and behaviors.
- Withdrawal from family and friends.
**Psychological and physical addiction to Abetril:**
Abetril addiction is considered one of the most dangerous harms resulting from taking these pills for a long period of time, as it leads to psychological dependence andPhysical. If this happens, doctors are advised not to stop taking it except under the supervision of a medical specialist in treating Abetril addiction, due to the presence of serious withdrawal symptoms that may lead to death.
Yes, Abetril withdrawal symptoms can be treated at home if the doctor has recommended it. However, there are some conditions that must be met to ensure that the detoxification process is carried out safely, namely:
- The period of addiction to Abetril is short.
- The health of the body's systems and organs is good.
- The absence of any chronic diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
- Providing family support to monitor and encourage the patient during the withdrawal period.
- The person does not suffer from a serious mental disorder such as schizophrenia.
**Medications for treating Abetril withdrawal symptoms**
The doctor may prescribe some medications to relieve Abetril withdrawal symptoms, as these medications help relieve pain and calm psychological symptoms such as anxiety and depression. Among these medications are:
- Pregabalin.
- Carbamazepine.
- Flumazenil.
It is important to emphasize that taking these medications without medical supervision may lead to side effects or interactions with other medications, which may cause high blood pressure or a sharp drop.
**Aptril addiction treatment:**
Aptril addiction treatment is of great importance, like treating addiction to any other narcotic substances, and requires specialized medical care. Aptril addiction treatment consists of several stages:
**Step one: Analysis of Aptril in urine:**This is the first step before starting treatment, as the urine is analyzed to determine the dose used. Based on the results of the analysis, a treatment plan is developed by the medical team. One of the important questions that arise here is: How long does Aptril remain detectable in urine?
Medical reports indicate that the active ingredient of Aptril can remain in the addict's urine for up to 6 weeks, although negative results may appear in some cases.
After conducting the tests that confirm Aptril addiction, the treatment team begins to deal with withdrawal symptoms, which is the second step in addiction treatment.
**Step 2: Treating withdrawal symptoms of Apetril addiction:**
Withdrawal symptoms of Apetril include:
- Persistent headache.
- Stomach and digestive disorders.
- Nausea and constant desire to vomit.
- Epileptic seizures and convulsions.
- Respiratory disorders.
- Unjustified anxiety and tension
**Step 3: Psychological and behavioral treatment for Apetril addiction**This step is considered one of the most prominent stages of treating Apetril addiction, as it focuses on changing negative behaviors associated with addiction and replacing them with positive behaviors that support the recovery process. Apetril is known to negatively affect individuals' behavior, and its use is often associated with criminal groups living in areas known for high crime rates, which exacerbates the problem and increases the chances of crimes occurring in society. Therefore, this stage of treatment aims to:
- Modify negative behaviors and promote new behaviors that support recovery.
- Strengthen religious and moral restraint to help addicts move to a new stage free of addiction.
- Encouraging integration into society and providing social support, which helps avoid isolation, which is one of the causes of addiction.