Benefits and harms of poppy seeds and do they cause addiction

Did you know that poppies were a British way to control China and humiliate its people during the Opium War? This plant, which looks like a beautiful flower from the outside, carries within it a powerful double-edged sword. At first, it may appear to you with its innocent face and health benefits, but it soon turns into a monster that controls your life if you continue to take it unnecessarily. Then, you will face the serious damage caused by opium, which requires Dalili Medical.  intervention and joining an addiction treatment center to get rid of it permanently. In this article, you will find important information about poppy seeds.

What is poppy?


Poppy is a plant extracted from seeds grown in some countries of the Asian continent, the most famous of which is Afghanistan. This plant is characterized by its stem that bears a head that resembles a flower, and its color ranges from green to gray, and its height is between 50 and 150 cm. Opium is extracted from the poppy plant, which appears in the form of a brown juice that is extracted after cutting the flower at the top of the stem. This juice is dried and used for many medical purposes.

Is poppy used for sleep?


Yes, poppy is used in some cases of insomnia and sleep problems, as it helps to feel relaxed and sleepy.

Why are poppy seeds prohibited?


The prohibited poppy seeds are known as the white poppy, from which the narcotic opium used in the manufacture of heroin and morphine is extracted. It is not permitted to be grown except under the supervision of official authorities, as it is used for medical purposes.

**Is hashish extracted from poppies?**


Hashish is not extracted from poppies, but rather from the Indian hemp plant, which is a brown resinous substance extracted from the stem of the plant.

**Are poppy seeds addictive?**


Using poppies without medical supervision can lead to addiction, as the opium receptors in the brain depend on this drug. This is due to the increased secretion of endorphins, which are responsible for the feeling of happiness, which makes the body adapt to this high level of the neurohormone. When stopping use or reducing the dose, the person may experience difficult withdrawal symptoms that require medical intervention for treatment.

**What does the narcotic poppy plant look like?**


The narcotic poppy plant can reach a height of 150 cm, and is characterized by its light green color and large oval-shaped leaves. At the top of the plant, there are flower petals that vary in color between red, white, blue and purple.

**Poppy seed shape and uses:**

Poppy seeds are characterized by their black color and small size, and they come from a flowering plant known as the somniferous poppy. This plant is considered a source of many opioid painkillers such as morphine, heroin and codeine. Opioids are used as painkillers after major surgeries or accidents, as they affect certain areas of the brain, which leads to pain relief and a great feeling of comfort and happiness, which may prompt the person to want to repeat this experience, and thus may lead to addiction. In addition, poppies are used in the manufacture of paint and soap, and are added to some foods and baked goods.

**How ​​do poppy seeds turn from a medicine into a disease?**


Poppy seeds contain a very small percentage of opioids, which makes them safe when consumed in reasonable quantities. However, opioids are more concentrated in the stems of the plant and the husk that holds the seeds. When the plant is collected, these opioids may mix with the seeds. The real problem lies in tea made from poppy seeds, as it is prepared from a mixture of seeds, stems and husks after drying and grinding them, which increases the percentage of opioids and makes them capable of causing addiction.

**Types of Poppies**

There are many types of poppies, the most prominent of which are the following:

1. **Oriental Poppy**: This type is characterized by its attractive feathery leaves, and its flowers that vary between orange, red, and salmon color. Its flowers bloom during the months of June and July, and it is native to southern Eurasia, where it is preferable to grow it in places exposed to full sunlight.

2. **Flanders Poppy**: Also known as the common poppy, it is characterized by its flowers that come in several colors such as orange, pink, purple, white, and yellow. This type is usually grown in areas with warm climates during the fall or winter, and it is native to North Africa, Europe, and Asia, and it is also preferable to grow it in full sunlight.

3. **Opium Poppy**: It is preferable to avoid growing this type, as it is usually used in the manufacture of heroin and other narcotic drugs. It is characterized by its distinctive green leaves, and is considered one of the longest types of poppy flowers. Despite its appeal, it is illegal to grow in the United States and is native to Turkey.

4**Iceland poppy**, also known as Arctic poppy, is a difficult plant to grow, requiring a very cold climate to grow. It does not typically grow in areas with warm, humid summers. Its flowers range in color from yellow, white, salmon, and pink, and are native to the Arctic and subarctic regions.

5**Himalayan poppy**, characterized by its large flowers that resemble traditional poppies, but come in an unusual sky blue color and are noticeably larger in size. Growing this species is a challenge, as it requires conditions similar to its native environment in the Himalayas. Its seeds are difficult to germinate, as they require constant moisture in the soil, in addition to moderate temperatures that are neither too cold nor too hot, with partial exposure to sunlight.

6. **Sleepy Poppy:**

This species is the main source of opium, and is also known as sleeping poppy. It is used in many medical applications, and is characterized by its long stem that ends with an immature fruit with pointed teeth. It is mainly grown in Afghanistan, Turkey, Iran and India.

.7 **Sleepy PoppyPoppy flowers:**   This is another type of poppy plant, which ends with open flowers and flourishes in the spring in wild areas. This type does not contain any opiates, and is used in the food and baking industry, and is found more in the European continent.

**The most important information about growing poppy flowers**


**Poppy flower planting steps**

The following steps can be followed to grow poppy flowers:

1. Place the poppy seeds in a small bowl, then add an amount of sand equal to twice the amount of seeds. Mix the ingredients well, as poppy seeds are small in size and may clump together when planted. The sand helps the seeds to be spaced apart, making it easier to plant each seed separately.

2. Sprinkle the mixture of poppy seeds and sand directly on the soil, then cover it with a thin layer of soft soil. Avoid adding an excessive amount of soil, as this may block the sunlight from the seeds and hinder their germination.

3. Water newly planted poppy seeds with a spray bottle rather than a powerful water hose, to avoid blowing away the tiny seeds. The soil should be slightly damp, but not soggy.

4. Poppy seeds will begin to germinate in 10 to 30 days, depending on the variety.

**Poppy Planting Times**

Poppy seeds are best planted in the fall or early spring, as poppy seeds need to be exposed to cooler temperatures before they can germinate.

**Poppy Growing Conditions**

Poppies grow best in full sun or partial shade, receiving at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. They should also be planted in well-drained soil to prevent root rot, and soil drainage can be improved by mixing a little compost and some sand into the soil.

**Tips for taking care of poppy plants**

The following instructions can be followed to take care of poppy plants:

- It is preferable to water the poppy plant based on its needs, as flooding the soil with water can lead to root rot and plant death. Therefore, the plant should be watered only when the soil dries to a depth of 2.5 cm, every few days

- It is recommended to place a layer of organic mulch, such as bark chips, around the poppy plant to prevent weed growth and maintain soil moisture.

- It is preferable to cut young or weak plants from their base when the seedlings reach a height of between 2.5 and 5.0 cm, using garden shears, which gives other plants a better chance to grow healthily.

- Low-nitrogen fertilizers can be added to the soil when the plant reaches a height of at least 13 cm, if the goal is to accelerate its growth or if the soil lacks nutrients.

- Dead flowers can be removed to get new flowers throughout the summer, or they can be left on the plant, where they will turn yellow and wither, but after a while their seeds will fall naturally, leading to the emergence of dozens of new plants next year.

Poppy seed withdrawal symptoms:

If you have been drinking tea made from poppy seeds for a long time, you may experience some symptoms when you stop drinking it, such as:

- Diarrhea.

- Vomiting.

- Constant anxiety.

**Benefits of poppy seeds:**

The poppy plant has many medical uses that contribute to the treatment of a range of psychological and physical diseases, in addition to its use in preparing food. However, these benefits only appear when the plant is used in a limited manner and under close medical supervision.

1. **Treatment of insomnia:** Poppy is known as the "father of sleep" due to its effectiveness in treating cases of insomnia. It works to calm the nervous system and reduce levels of anxiety and stress, which stimulates the centers responsible for sleep in the brain.

2. **Pain relief:** Poppy contains analgesics such as opium, codeine, and thebaine, which are known for their ability to relieve pain. These substances slow down the movement of nerve signals between the brain centers, which helps reduce the feeling of pain, making poppy an effective treatment for relieving headache pain.

3. **Cough treatment:** Poppy helps calm the respiratory system, which helps treat cough.

4. Treating constipation: Poppy seeds help promote digestive health and increase bowel movement, which helps get rid of constipation.

5. Promoting heart health **These seeds help reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, because they contain unsaturated fats that help lower cholesterol levels in the blood, which promotes heart health.

6. Combating depression**: Poppy seeds increase the secretion of endorphins, known as the happiness hormone, which helps reduce depression levels.

7. Soap making**: Poppy oil is used in the production of soap, paint and cosmetics, as it contains unsaturated fats that enhance skin freshness, in addition to its role in accelerating wound healing and treating scabs.

8. Baking**: Poppy seeds are used in baking, as they have a high nutritional value, as they contain important elements such as manganese, omega 6 and 9, copper, calcium and magnesium.

**Benefits of poppy for mental health**

Poppy helps reduce anxiety, improve mood and treat insomnia, thanks to its seeds containing chemical compounds that promote relaxation. It also provides the nervous system with calcium, which enhances its efficiency in performing its functions better.

- Works as a pain reliever.

- Contributes to accelerating wound healing.

- Treats ulcers.

- Reduces the chances of developing diabetes thanks to the presence of zinc in poppy seeds.

- Strengthens the immune system.

- Enhances bone health thanks to the presence of calcium, which strengthens tissues.

**The truth about the benefits of poppy seeds for sex**

The benefits of poppy seeds in improving sexual health are one of the reasons that prompted many people to use them. With the emergence of some side effects, some wondered whether poppy seeds are narcotic. Therefore, it is important to clarify the following:

It must beUsing poppy seeds to improve sexual health under medical supervision, to ensure that you get the desired benefits without being exposed to risks. These seeds increase sexual desire and help treat problems of blocked fallopian tubes in women, and they also enhance mood, which contributes to increasing sexual desire.

**Erectile dysfunction** Taking poppy seeds without adhering to specific doses or healthy periods of use can lead to relaxation of the body's muscles, including the muscles of the reproductive system, causing erectile dysfunction.

**Reproductive problems** Excessive use of poppy negatively affects blood flow to the reproductive system, which is reflected in the production of the glands responsible for secreting sperm. This may lead to a decrease in sperm count and loss of the ability to ejaculate, which reduces the chances of conception.

**Poppy withdrawal symptoms**

Poppy withdrawal symptoms appear as a result of the brain and body's dependence on narcotic substances derived from the poppy plant to perform their normal functions. When the addict stops taking drugs suddenly, he suffers from a set of symptoms, the most prominent of which are:

- Severe depression.

- Excessive anxiety and tension.

- Dilation of the pupil.

- High body temperature.

- Low blood pressure.

- Irregular heartbeat.

- Excessive sweating.

- Constant desire to sleep.

- Stomach pain.

- Muscle and joint pain.

- Loss of appetite.

- Feeling cold and chills in the body.

- Nausea.

- Dizziness.

**Damages of poppy:**

Despite its many medical benefits, poppy can cause serious side effects when used for long periods without medical supervision, including:

1. **Sexual weakness:** Poppy affects the nervous system and leads to a decrease in blood pressure, which causes a sharp deterioration in sexual performance, a complete loss of sexual desire, and erectile dysfunction due to decreased blood flow to the genitals.

2. **Memory and concentration impairment:** Long-term use of poppy can lead to severe memory and concentration impairment, as a result of slowing down the functions of the memory centers in the brain, which negatively affects the practical and social life of the user.

3. **Social withdrawal:** The user feels a lack of desire to engage in any social activity, which leads to his tendency to isolate himself and unwillingness to participate in social issues or interact with the outside world.

4. Shortness of breath: Poppy leads to a slowdown in the functions of the nervous system, which negatively affects the respiratory system and leads to severe shortness of breath, accompanied by respiratory symptoms such as tuberculosis and pneumonia.

5. Low heart rate: Poppy contains oleic acid, which contributes to lowering blood pressure, which in turn leads to a decrease in heart rate.

6. Itching: Poppy can cause itching and redness of the skin, and in some cases it may develop into swelling of the body, eyes, and tongue.

7. Vomiting and nausea: Poppy causes digestive disorders, which leads to the inability of the digestive system to get rid of it, resulting in a feeling of vomiting and nausea.

8. Severe depression: Although poppy is primarily used to treat depression, its continued use leads to an increase in the secretion of happiness hormones. When its effect ends, the level of these hormones decreases, making the user feel severely depressed, and he may have suicidal thoughts.

9. Constipation: Continuous use of poppy causes a slowdown in bowel movements, which leads to constipation and prevents the digestive system from performing its functions normally.

***Diseases that may affect the poppy flower***


The poppy flower is exposed to many diseases, the most prominent of which are:

**Downy mildew disease**: It is a fungal disease that appears in the form of red spots on the upper surface of poppy leaves, accompanied by soft gray or purple areas on the underside. The fungi causing this disease are most active at temperatures between 4.4 and 15.6 °C, with air humidity exceeding 90%. The spores infect moist leaves within 12 hours of contact. Therefore, it is preferable to leave space between poppy plants when planting them to improve air circulation around them, in addition to removing dead plant debris. In the event of an outbreak, it is advisable to use appropriate fungicides.

Grey mold disease** is a fungal disease caused by gray mold, and particularly affects older or damaged poppy plants during cold and wet springs. Brown lesions rot on newly infected plants, resulting in the formation of gray spore masses. The pathogen is most active at temperatures between 20.5 and 25.0 °C. Gray mold fungi often infect damp plants, so it is preferable to water poppies at the base of the plant in the early morning to speed up the evaporation process. It is also important to remove old and infected leaves and flowers, and appropriate fungicides can be used to reduce the spread of the disease.

Powdery mildew*** is a fungal disease that affects poppy plants, especially in dry and shaded areas. Its symptoms appear as a white, powdery layer on the stems, leaves and flowers. This fungus spreads at temperatures ranging from 15.6 to 26.7 degrees Celsius, while high temperatures, exceeding 35 degrees Celsius, or exposure to strong sunlight can lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, it is preferable to water the plant from above to remove the fungus from the leaves, and you can also use the appropriate horticultural oil, which is sprayed on well-watered plants, provided that the temperature is less than 32.2 degrees Celsius.

**How ​​to use poppy seeds**

The methods of using poppy seeds vary depending on their purpose, as the method of using them in cooking differs from using them as therapeutic oils or skin moisturizers. Here are some ways to benefit from poppy seeds:

- Poppy seeds can be ground and used as a spice by adding them to foods such as cakes and pastries andAppetizers.

- Oils can be extracted from poppy seeds and used in soap or cosmetics.

- Poppy seeds can also be added to milk and eaten as a meal rich in compounds and vitamins that boost the body's energy.

**Treatment of poppy addiction**

When poppy seeds are consumed in large quantities for a long time, and it becomes difficult to give them up, it becomes necessary to treat poppy addiction effectively. Addiction treatment includes three main steps:

**1. Detoxification:**This is the first step in treating poppy addiction, as the drug is removed from the body, and the patient is given some medications that help him overcome withdrawal symptoms.

**2. Psychological support:**At this stage, psychological support is provided to the patient by doctors, family and friends, which helps him successfully overcome the period of pain.

Behavioral rehabilitation**: This stage is considered the final step in the treatment process, during which the patient is prepared to return to society again, and his negative behaviors are replaced with positive ones. Thus, the patient is able to regain his normal life after recovery.