What is the alternative to medical alcohol method at home

Many people around the world are looking for alternatives to medical alcohol, especially in light of the increased demand and shortage of available quantities in pharmacies after the spread of the Corona virus in most Arab and foreign countries. The need to sterilize hands and surfaces continuously arises, as these methods are considered one of the most dangerous ways of transmitting infection. The Covid-19 virus, known as "Corona", can remain on hands for at least 10 minutes, while it can remain on surfaces for up to 9 hours. So what are the alternatives to medical alcohol? How can it be manufactured? Is there a way to make alcohol at home? We will explore all of this and more in the following report in      Dalili Medical.

**Does medical alcohol cause drunkenness?**


Medical alcohol is used in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages, so it can have an intoxicating effect when consumed in large quantities.

**How ​​do we distinguish adulterated ethyl alcohol?**


When ethyl alcohol is ignited, an orange flame appears, and any other color indicates that it is adulterated. If the alcohol ignites and produces a black or transparent flame, it is considered adulterated and is not recommended for use at all.

**Does chlorine react with alcohol?**


Yes, chlorine reacts with alcohol and produces toxic gases that can lead to suffocation. Therefore, chlorine should be used with water only, and not mixed with any other ingredients during the disinfection process.

**What are the benefits of medical alcohol for the face?**


Ethyl medical alcohol is used in the cosmetics industry, and can be used on the face in low concentrations as used by cosmetic companies. However, ethyl alcohol can sometimes cause dry skin and itching. It is important to note that using ethyl alcohol in high, non-medical concentrations can damage the skin and increase its exposure to microbes.

**What is the percentage of alcohol in liquor and whiskey?**


The percentage of alcohol in liquor and whiskey ranges between 9% and 20%, while the percentage of alcohol in stronger alcoholic beverages can reach about 95%.

**Is medical alcohol used for sterilization or disinfection?**


One of the most prominent benefits of medical alcohol is its use in sterilizing hands, surfaces, floors, and door handles, thanks to its high ability to eliminate bacteria and viruses and prevent the spread of infection. In addition, there is medical alcohol in the form of a spray that is used to disinfect wounds and change bandages to prevent the transmission of bacteria to them and the occurrence of complications. Therefore, doctors always recommend using it during periods of epidemic diseases to maintain public safety and prevent the transmission of infection between individuals. It is important that the alcohol concentration is between 70% and 90% to ensure its effectiveness in eliminating viruses.

**How ​​does medical alcohol eliminate the Corona virus?**


Medical alcohol has become the basic tool that people rely on to confront the Corona virus, as it is recommended by doctors as an effective means of avoiding infection. This is due to its ability to eliminate the virus within 30 seconds of use, by sterilizing hands, surfaces, floors, and any tools that may be a source of spreading infection.

**Can vinegar be used to eliminate the Corona virus?**


Vinegar is ineffective in eliminating most viruses, including the Corona virus, so it is not recommended to use it to sterilize surfaces or hands.

**Can acetone be used as an alternative to medical alcohol?**


Acetone contains a small percentage of alcohol, but the effective percentage required to eliminate viruses and sterilize is 70%. Therefore, acetone is not considered a suitable alternative to medical alcohol.

**Does garlic kill the Corona virus?**


Although garlic is known for its ability to boost immunity, it is not considered effective in eliminating the Corona virus. It is also advised not to consume it in large quantities, as it may lead to severe stomach infections.

What is the percentage of alcohol in Cologne 555?


Due to the shortage of medical alcohol in pharmacies, many people have started looking for alternatives, which prompted them to use disinfectants that were offered as fabric fresheners. These fresheners, which were previously neglected, have become the most used in light of the spread of this virus. Among these fresheners, Cologne 555 stands out, which contains 70% alcohol.

What is the percentage of alcohol in Ingram Cologne?


Ingram Cologne, which is used for aftershave skin care, contains 70% ethyl alcohol.

What is the percentage of alcohol in Luna Cologne?


Luna Cologne contains a percentage of alcohol, but the package does not contain information about the concentration of alcohol used.

**How ​​to distinguish between original and fake alcohol?**


If you want to know the difference between original and fake medical alcohol in a simple way, you can do a flame test. This is done by placing an amount of alcohol near a fire source. If the flames burn more, it means that it is original alcohol. However, if the alcohol is diluted with water and fake, it will not ignite or help ignite.

**Can acetone be used as a substitute for medical alcohol?**


Although alcohol is used in the manufacture of acetone, its concentration in acetone is very low, and it is not suitable for use as a hand sanitizer or to eliminate viruses such as the Corona virus.

**Can mouthwash be considered a substitute for medical alcohol?**


Mouthwash is not considered a substitute for medical alcohol, because it focuses on eliminating fungi and bacteria, not viruses.

**Can home sanitizers be considered a substitute for medical alcohol?**


Homemade sanitizers are not considered a substitute for medical alcohol, as they lack the necessary effectiveness to eliminate viruses, and may lead to skin infections and burns.

**What is the best type of alcohol?**


It is preferable to use 70% ethanol as a disinfectant, because it shows high effectiveness against viruses and germs. Medical alcohol is manufactured in different concentrations, and the choice of this concentration is due to the fact that higher concentrations evaporate very quickly, while lower concentrations may be ineffective against viruses and germs.

Ethyl alcohol is found inAnol is found in many types of soaps and wipes, but frequent use can dry out the skin, so it is recommended to use a good moisturizer after disinfecting your hands with medical alcohol.

You can also use ethanol to clean and disinfect many tools such as computers and mobile phones, as it evaporates quickly and does not pose a risk to the devices. However, caution must be exercised because ethanol vapors are flammable, so it is preferable to stay away from any source of fire after using alcohol, and wait a few minutes before doing any activity to ensure your safety.

What is the appropriate medical alcohol for sterilization?


The medical alcohol used for sterilization is ethyl or methyl alcohol, as it is considered effective in eliminating viruses. It is important that its concentration is 70%, because lower concentrations are not effective in killing viruses, while higher concentrations evaporate very quickly, which reduces their effectiveness. In the absence of ethyl alcohol in the markets, merchants have started selling methyl alcohol as an alternative. However, it should be noted that methyl alcohol is very toxic and is not used for sterilization.

What are the types of medical alcohol?


**Types of medical alcohol**

There are several types of medical alcohol with various concentrations and uses, and it often comes in the form of a spray. The most prominent of these types are:

1. **70% ethanol**: Ethanol alcohol is the most popular and effective type of medical alcohol. It is commonly used to disinfect wounds and sterilize surfaces, and is available in several brands such as Afaq, Pure, HiGen, and Sterillium. Sterillium is considered one of the best types of hand sanitizers, as it contains 75% propanol in liquid form, which allows it to penetrate the folds of the hands and leaves an effective effect that lasts for up to 5 hours.

2. 90% ethanol alcohol: Ethanol alcohol with a concentration of 90% is used as a sterilizer and disinfectant for wounds, but it is particularly known for its use in the perfume industry.

3. Isopropyl alcohol: Isopropyl alcohol is an alcoholic antiseptic, and is used in the manufacture of cosmetics and lotions. It is also used as an antiseptic and antibacterial, and is not used orally, in addition to not causing an intoxicating effect.

What is the difference between ethyl and methyl alcohol?


There are many differences between these two types, the most important of which are:

1- Chemical composition: Ethyl alcohol contains a chemical group known as ethyl group, while methyl alcohol contains a methyl group.

2- Acidity level: The acidity level of ethyl alcohol is lower than the acidity level of water.

As for methyl alcohol, its acidity level is higher than water.

3- Trade name: Ethyl alcohol is known as white spirit.

While methyl alcohol is called red spirit.

4- Manufacturing method: Ethyl alcohol is produced through the fermentation process of sugars, while methyl alcohol is made from burning wood.

5- Human uses: Ethyl alcohol is used in sterilization and disinfection processes, and is also used in the manufacture of wines and alcoholic beverages. In contrast, methyl alcohol is used as an organic solvent.

**6- Toxicity:** Ethyl alcohol can be used to disinfect and sterilize the skin, and it can also be consumed in alcoholic beverages. However, consuming large quantities of it may lead to poisoning, as it affects the central nervous system.

As for methyl alcohol, it cannot be used on the skin and cannot be consumed, because it is highly toxic. Even half a teaspoon of it can cause damage to the optic nerve, leading to immediate blindness.

**7- Physical properties:** When ethyl alcohol burns, it produces an orange flame with a blue base. While when methyl alcohol burns, a blue flame appears. This test is used as a means of distinguishing between ethyl and methyl alcohol.

**The difference between ethanol and methanol in terms of use:**

**Uses of methanol:**

- Methanol is used in the production of methylamine and methyl esters.

- It is added as a substance to reduce the freezing of liquids.

- It is used as an agent in distillation processes.

- It is used in the production of acetic acid and formaldehyde.

- It is used in the treatment of wastewater to remove bacteria.

**Uses of ethanol:**

- Ethanol is the main component in alcoholic beverages such as liquor and wine, as whiskey contains 35% ethyl alcohol, wine contains 10-20%, while beer contains 6%.

- It is used as an antiseptic to sterilize wounds in hospitals.

- It is used as a solvent for many organic compounds that are insoluble in water, and is used in the manufacture of varnish and perfumes.

- It is used as a solvent in some medicines such as iodine tincture and cough syrup.

- It is sometimes used as a drug to treat mental disorders, as it helps relieve anxiety and tension, but it may lead to impaired cognitive functions.

- Ethyl alcohol is used as a central nervous system depressant.

- It is used as a fuel for cars with gasoline.

**The difference between ethanol and methanol in terms of harm**

**Ethanol harm**

The effects of ethanol are divided into two categories: acute and chronic. Let's review its effects more clearly:

Ethanol causes depression of the central nervous system, and among the primary harms that can occur are:

- Sedation.

- Slurred speech.

- Poor control.

- Euphoria.

- Unusual behaviors.

- Poor sensory and motor skills.

As the concentration of ethanol in the body increases, some acute effects appear, including:

- Confusion and stupor.

- Coma.

- Cardiac muscle contraction.

- Liver failure.

- Dehydration.

- Irritation of the gastric mucosa.

- Sudden death.

**Methanol harm**

Symptoms of methanol poisoning appear after a period ranging from 1 to 72 hours of exposure to it, whether by eating it or contacting it with the skin. Methanol can lead to many health problems, including:

**Methanol's damage to the nervous system:**

- Headache.

- Dizziness and vertigo.

- Mania.

- Agitation.

- Memory loss

- Decreased level of consciousness.

- Coma.

- Seizures.

**Methanol damage to the digestive system:**

- Vomiting and nausea.

- Decreased appetite.

- Severe abdominal pain.

- Intestinal bleeding.

- Diarrhea.

- Liver dysfunction.- Pancreatitis.

**Methanol damage to the eyes:**

- Blurred vision.

- Excessive sensitivity to light.

- Visual hallucinations.

- Feeling pain in the eye.

- Partial loss of vision.

- Dilated pupils.

**Methanol damage when swallowed:**

- Skin irritation.

- Kidney failure.

- Blood in the urine.

- Irregular heartbeat.

- Increased respiratory rate.

- Low blood pressure.

Alternatives to medical alcohol for disinfecting surfaces:

There are many alternatives to medical alcohol, but you must be careful not to mix these materials, as they can be dangerous and lead to dire consequences.

1- Diluted chlorine: Chlorine is one of the best options for disinfecting and sterilizing surfaces, as it has proven effective in eliminating many viruses, including the Corona virus.

To prepare a chlorine solution, concentrated chlorine must be diluted with water, so that one tablespoon of chlorine is used for 10 tablespoons of water. This solution is used to disinfect surfaces, but contact with the skin or eyes must be avoided, as it can cause severe inflammation.

2**Baking soda**Removing grease from surfaces is not an easy task, and degreasing materials are often used to clean ovens and appliances used in cooking. Unfortunately, these materials contain toxic chemicals. So, you can remove grease from surfaces and disinfect them from pollutants without the need for chemicals, by wetting the greasy spot and sprinkling it with baking soda, then wiping it easily with a wet towel. This method is effective in removing accumulated dirt and grease, which may contain germs, and helps keep the place clean.

**3- Phenol:** Phenol is a good disinfectant for surfaces, and is an effective alternative to medical alcohol, as it helps eliminate microbes and viruses.

**4- Hydrogen peroxide:** Hydrogen peroxide is considered the strongest alternative to medical alcohol for sterilizing surfaces. The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control have confirmed its effectiveness in eliminating the novel coronavirus. It is sufficient to leave it on the areas to be sterilized for 10 minutes, then rinse it with water.

**5- Isopropyl disinfectants:** Isopropyl disinfectants contain a high percentage of ethyl alcohol, up to 95%, making them a good alternative to medical alcohol. However, they must be diluted to 70% before use.

**6. Saline solution:** Saline solution is one of the most famous alternatives to alcohol for sterilization, and it is the solution available in pharmacies and hospitals only. Studies indicate its effectiveness in eliminating viruses. The solution is used to disinfect clothes by soaking them in it for 30 minutes, but it is recommended not to use it near hands.

7. Vinegar: It has antiseptic properties similar to those of medical alcohol, making it an ideal choice for household cleaning and washing vegetables and fruits.

8**Coarse salt: Coarse salt is one of the best natural materials for sterilizing surfaces. All you have to do is dissolve half a cup of salt in about 2 liters of water, then use it as a disinfectant solution to clean surfaces and floors.

**Alternatives to medical alcohol for hand sterilization**


Hand sterilization is one of the most important preventive measures against the Corona virus, in addition to wearing medical masks and maintaining social distancing. But what are the options available for hand sterilization if medical alcohol is not available?

1. **Water and soap:** Washing hands with soap and water is the best option ever as an alternative to medical alcohol. The World Health Organization recommends washing hands with soap and water every four hours for 30 seconds, which is a very effective procedure in eliminating the Corona virus.

2. **Isopropyl Disinfectants:** are available alternatives, but they must be diluted as mentioned, not only to ensure their effectiveness, but also to avoid skin burns or infections.

3. **Cologne:** Some people wonder about the possibility of using cologne as an alternative to medical alcohol. It can be used, but it must contain about 70% ethyl alcohol to be effective. It is important to make sure that this cologne is free of methyl alcohol.

4**Hydrogenated Water:* Hydrogenated water can be left on surfaces for 8 minutes and then rinsed with water, as it is an effective disinfectant. It can also be mixed with water at a rate of only 10 drops and used to gargle to expel viruses and bacteria from the throat.

5**Lemon Juice:** Although bleach is commonly used in cleaning processes, it can cause irritation to the eyes and skin, in addition to its strong, lasting smell and the presence of chemicals. Although bleach is useful in removing tough stains and disinfecting surfaces from harmful bacteria and germs, the risks outweigh the benefits. Therefore, you can replace bleach with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice; you can mix two cups of hydrogen peroxide with two teaspoons of lemon juice and water. You will get a fresh scent, in addition to it can be safely used to disinfect and sterilize the house and furniture.

**How ​​to make alcohol at home**


Here is how to make alcohol at home using simple and easy ingredients, and it will not take more than a few minutes. It is important to ensure that your hands and tools used in the manufacturing process are clean, and avoid touching the ingredients before mixing them well.


- 3/4 cup of isopropyl alcohol.

- A quarter cup of aloe vera gel.

- 10 drops of essential oil such as lavender oil or 10 drops of lemon oil.

**How ​​to prepare:**

1. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients well.

2. When the ingredients turn into a gel consistency, store it in an airtight container, and use it as a hand sanitizer.

**How ​​to prepare ethyl alcohol**


Ethyl alcohol can be prepared through the fermentation process of sugar, starch, or fruits such as grapes andApples, where the resulting alcohol concentration is about 10%. The method of preparing ethyl alcohol depends on passing ethylene gas under high pressure to concentrated sulfuric acid, then the resulting acid is diluted with water and heated. This process ultimately leads to the production of ethanol through hydrolysis, after which the alcohol is separated by distillation.

**How ​​to prepare alcohol according to the World Health Organization**


The World Health Organization has announced a way to make medical alcohol at home. All you need are the following ingredients:

- One cup of isopropyl alcohol 99%.

- A teaspoon of glycerin 98%.

- A tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide 3%.

- About 65 milliliters of water, equivalent to a quarter of a cup, whether cold or boiled.

- A medium-sized bowl.

- A vacuum tube or plastic spoon.

- A measuring cup for calibrating the ingredients.

- A bottle or a tightly sealed container.

**Tips when implementing this method**

When starting to prepare medical alcohol at home according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, it is necessary to take into account some basic tips. These tips are summarized in the following points:

- If you are using isopropyl alcohol with a concentration of 91% or 70%, you should be aware that these concentrations are not in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The 8% concentration is considered pure alcohol, while the 75% concentration means that the alcohol content is less than two-thirds of the package, as the rest of the content consists of water.

- If you do not have a spoon to mix, you can simply close the container and shake it well to get the desired mixture.

**How ​​to prepare medical alcohol at home for veterinarians**


This method is considered safe for making alcohol at home, and it was recommended by a member of the General Syndicate of Veterinarians Council. The ingredients include the following:

- Half a cup of isopropyl alcohol.

- Half a cup of aloe vera gel.

- Medical glycerin as a skin moisturizer to prevent dryness.

- A few drops of any essential oil such as vanilla, peppermint or lavender (optional).

- A medium-sized bowl.

- A spoon

Next, we should add a teaspoon of glycerin to moisturize the skin with a few drops of your favorite essential oil, if desired. We should continue stirring until all the ingredients are homogeneous with the added glycerin and essential oil. After mixing all the ingredients well, we empty the mixture into a tightly sealed container or bottle.

**How ​​to make medical alcohol using orange and cloves**


A member of the Veterinary Syndicate Council indicated the possibility of making alcohol at home using alternative ingredients, which include:

- A quarter cup of aloe vera gel.

- 20 drops of orange oil.

- 5 drops of clove oil.

- 10 drops of cinnamon oil.

- 10 drops of lavender oil (optional).

- 5 drops of rosemary oil.

As for the method of preparing medical alcohol at home, as described by a veterinarian, it is as follows: First, you should put a quarter cup of aloe vera gel with 20 drops of orange oil. After that, we use a plastic spoon to mix the two ingredients well until they are homogeneous. Then we add 5 drops of clove oil and 10 drops of cinnamon oil, and stir the ingredients together again until they are completely homogeneous. After that, we add 5 drops of rosemary oil with a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lavender oil, if you wish.

**How ​​to prepare alcohol for people with sensitive skin**


People with sensitive skin suffer from skin reactions to many ingredients, so we will provide you with a method for making medical alcohol at home, which is suitable for this category. The recipe consists of the following ingredients:

- Half a cup of white vinegar

- A tablespoon of olive oil

- A tightly sealed bottle or container

- A tablespoon of aloe vera gel

- Rose water

- An essential oil such as lavender or cloves (optional)

- A plastic spoon

**How ​​to prepare:**

First, we start by putting half a cup of white vinegar with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel in a bowl. Using the plastic spoon, we mix the two ingredients well until they are combined.

Then we add a tablespoon of olive oil to moisturize the skin, adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lavender or cloves, if desired. We continue stirring until all the ingredients are well mixed.

After finishing mixing the ingredients, we can transfer the mixture to a bottle or tightly sealed container for later use.

**هل يسبب الكحول الطبي السكر؟****كيف نميز الكحول الإيثيلي المغشوش؟****هل يتفاعل الكلور مع الكحول؟***ما هي فوائد الكحول الطبي للوجه؟**ما هي نسبة الكحول في الخمور والويسكي؟****هل يُستخدم الكحول الطبي للتعقيم أم التطهير؟***كيف يقضي الكحول الطبي على فيروس كورونا؟****هل يمكن استخدام الخل للقضاء على فيروس كورونا**هل يمكن استخدام الأسيتون كبديل للكحول الطبي؟**ما هي نسبة الكحول في كولونيا 555؟ما هي نسبة الكحول في كولونيا انجرام؟ما هي نسبة الكحول في كولونيا لونا؟**كيف يمكن التمييز بين الكحول الأصلي والمغشوش؟****هل يمكن اعتبار معقم الفم بديلاً للكحول الطبي؟****هل يمكن اعتبار المعقمات المنزلية بديلاً عن الكحول الطبي؟****ما هو النوع الأفضل من الكحول؟**ما هو الكحول الطبي المناسب للتعقيم؟ما هي أنواع الكحول الطبي؟ما هو الفرق بين الكحول الإيثيلي والميثيلي؟**أضرار الإيثانول****أضرار الميثانول**بدائل الكحول الطبي لتطهير الأسطح:**طريقة تحضير الكحول الإيثيلي**