Gambling addiction treatment, prevention and how to quit

Gambling or betting can be a difficult situation to get out of, as gambling addiction takes over a person despite knowing the dire consequences. Sometimes, a person may not realize that they are addicted, as this type of addiction is considered a hidden disease whose symptoms are difficult to notice. Treatment of gambling addiction depends on the person's awareness of the existence of a problem that needs to be addressed. Gambling, like drugs, affects a person's mind, thinking, and feelings, and cannot be overcome without going to a medical center where the patient receives comprehensive treatment. In this context, we will review in         Dalili Medical the definition of gambling addiction, its symptoms, and the steps followed in its treatment.

**Can gambling lead to crimes such as murder?**


A person addicted to gambling may commit crimes such as theft or murder to obtain money by any means, in order to continue gambling and obtain the necessary funds to play.

**Is gambling addiction related to mental health problems?**


Individuals rarely suffer from gambling addiction without having other mental health problems. Statistics show that people with gambling addiction or problematic gambling behaviors often also have substance abuse issues such as nicotine or alcohol, as well as mood and anxiety disorders. The relationship between gambling addiction and mental health disorders can be complex, as it is difficult to determine whether one comes first, as in the case of the “chicken and the egg”. Without appropriate treatment intervention, mental health problems can exacerbate gambling behaviors, and vice versa, gambling behaviors can contribute to mental health problems. Therefore, it is essential to address both issues simultaneously to ensure long-term recovery success.

What is gambling addiction?


Gambling addiction is a persistent gambling behavior that leads to impairment in functional performance. Gambling addiction negatively affects the individual, their family, and their surroundings, causing significant financial losses and leading to the breakdown of families. Unfortunately, the phenomenon of gambling addiction has increased significantly with the advancement of technology. It should be noted that gambling addiction is not simply a moral weakness or lack of willpower. Statistics indicate that the percentage of gambling addicts reaches 3%, and this behavior can appear in all income groups. It is also more common among men between the ages of 40 and 50, and its prevalence is increasing significantly among young people.

**Characteristics of a gambler**

A gambler is an individual who suffers from gambling addiction, which is a type of behavioral addiction characterized by a strong and persistent desire to risk money or property in order to win or obtain temporary pleasure. When dealing with a gambling addict, some distinctive characteristics can be observed that reflect his psychological and behavioral state, the most prominent of which are:

**Denial:** This is represented by not acknowledging the existence of a problem or the need for treatment, as the person resorts to justifying his behaviors or downplaying the importance of gambling, and may use lies or deception to hide the truth of his addiction from himself or others.

**Dependence:** The player feels helpless, weak, or lost when he does not gamble, and has an urgent need to gamble as a means of overcoming negative feelings, painful reality, or psychological and social pressures.

**Impulsivity:** The player gambles without planning, thinking, or evaluating the results and consequences, and acts recklessly or hastily, and may challenge or compete with others or seek revenge on losers or winners.

**Continuity:** The player suffers from an inability to stop gambling or control the amount, duration, or frequency of gambling, and continues to gamble despite knowing the negative consequences that result from this.

**Withdrawal:** means withdrawing from the social, family, religious, professional, educational, or health activities that occupied the person’s life before indulging in gambling, as gambling is used as a means of escape, entertainment, or change.

How does gambling addiction occur?


Anyone around the world can be exposed to the risks of gambling, as it can turn from a fun and harmless activity into an unhealthy obsession. In this case, gambling obsession becomes a source of many negative consequences and health risks. Gambling problems appear in all its forms, whether you are betting on sports, playing cards, roulette, poker, or even online. In all these cases, gambling leads to multiple problems, whether in social relationships or at work, and it is also one of the most common causes of serious financial crises. Gambling addiction has several names in the field of psychiatry, such as pathological gambling, compulsive gambling, or gambling disorder. In general, gambling addiction is considered an impulse control disorder. If you have reached the stage of addiction, you will find yourself unable to control the urge that drives you to gamble, which negatively affects your life and future.

**Symptoms of gambling addiction**

Gambling addiction is sometimes considered a hidden disease that is difficult to identify, due to the lack of clear physical signs as is the case with drug or alcohol addiction. Gambling addicts often deny the risks they face or downplay them even to themselves. However, you may face the risks of gambling if you:

- Keep your gambling secret and play in secret.

- Find it difficult to control your desire to gamble and cannot stop.

- Gambling in all circumstances, even when you don't have money, which makes you resort to money that is not yours.

- Thinking about gambling, winnings and losses constantly, day and night.

- Feeling a strong passion for gambling.

- Resorting to stealing money or committing crimes to get the money needed to play.

- Drinking alcohol or taking drugs.

- Staying out late at night.

What are the causes of online gambling addiction?


QRather, in order to find a cure for online gambling addiction, it is necessary to understand the causes that lead to this addiction. A specific area of ​​the brain known as the "insula" plays a major role in this matter, as continuing to play increases its activity, causing distortions in thinking and concentration. As a result, the mind seeks to repeat the same behavior to force itself to respond in the same way, as happens in cases of alcohol or drug addiction. Scientists have made great efforts to identify the causes of online gambling addiction, which can be classified into several categories, including:

1. Biological causes One of the common causes of gambling addiction is the secretion of dopamine and serotonin, which are neurotransmitters that enhance feelings of happiness and comfort. The relationship between feelings of pleasure and continued online gambling. At the same time, a decrease in the receptors for these neurotransmitters has been observed, which means that repeated exposure to them becomes necessary to obtain the same effects, which may lead to dependence and addiction to gambling.

**2_ Psychological reasons** Some believe that the daily pressures and life problems that an individual faces may push him to resort to gambling and engage in online gambling. Rates of mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, are higher among online gamblers than real-life gamblers. Therefore, this type of gambling has become a means of escaping from negative feelings and painful events that a person is going through.

**3_ Social reasons** Exposure to online gambling is one of the factors that increase the risk of falling into the trap of addiction. Environmental influences resulting from social life, especially from family and friends, enhance the development of gambling behaviors. Therefore, the likelihood of early exposure to online gambling under the influence of peers and family increases.

**How ​​long is the treatment for a gambling addict?**


Treatment and recovery from gambling addiction is a lifelong process. However, inpatient rehabilitation contributes greatly to achieving sustainable recovery in the long term.

**How ​​can we help you avoid relapse?**


Many people who go to rehab believe that they will recover once they can “stop drinking” or “stop gambling.” But we know that abstinence alone is not enough for treatment. Reducing the risk of relapse by addressing the root causes of addiction and psychological issues, as well as working towards recovery and improving your mental health and overall well-being, will help.

Can a person overcome and recover from online gambling addiction?


Of course, those who are diligent in their gambling addiction recovery can find a way to achieve this goal. Recent research suggests that around 80% of individuals with unhealthy gambling behaviors do not seek formal treatment. However, those who seek help are significantly more likely to achieve long-term, sustainable recovery than those who try to deal with the problem on their own.

**Gambling Addiction Treatment with the Quran**

Some good deeds are effective in treating gambling addiction, and providing support for addicts to improve their condition. Among these actions are:

1. **Reading the Qur’an and contemplating its meanings**: It is recommended to read the verses that prohibit gambling and explain its dangers and punishment, such as the Almighty’s saying: {O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful. Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not then do good?} {You are finished} [Al-Ma'idah: 90-91].

2. **Performing the five daily prayers**: It is recommended to perform the prayers on time with humility, seeking forgiveness and supplication after each prayer, and asking for forgiveness, pardon, guidance and healing from Allah.

3. **Fasting on recommended days**: Such as fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, the white days, the month of Ramadan, the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, and Ashura. Fasting strengthens the soul, expiates sins and reduces desires.

4. **Giving charity to the poor and needy**: Giving charity to the needy, debtors, mujahidin and others with rights is considered one of the deeds that enhance the spirit of giving and helps in improving the soul.

Dhikr, glorification, praise, magnification and prayers upon the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, are considered acts of worship that illuminate the heart and give the soul peace, and they also keep Satan away and bring the servant closer to Allah.

It is important to listen to sermons, lectures and religious lessons that explain the ruling on gambling, its harms and methods of treatment, and to benefit from this information and apply it in life.

It is also recommended to join Islamic groups, organizations and centers that are concerned with helping gambling addicts, providing them with the necessary programs and services, and participating in their activities and events.

**Symptoms of gambling addiction:**

Symptoms of gambling addiction include a set of behaviors and feelings that control the individual for a long period of time and increase over time. The most prominent of these symptoms are:

- Constant thinking about gambling.

- Losing large sums of money as a result of gambling.

- Feeling excited while playing.

- Inability to stop gambling.

- Feeling angry and very sad during periods of not playing.

- Using gambling as a means of escaping from problems and psychological pressures.

- The tendency to hide gambling from others.

- Deterioration of personal or professional relationships due to gambling.

- Facing serious financial problems.

**How ​​does gambling addiction happen?**


Gambling addiction usually starts with a feeling of excitement. But over time, this excitement turns into an increasing desire to win, which leads to a person becoming addicted to gambling.

The presence of five or more of the following elements indicates thatIn addition to persistent and recurring inappropriate gambling behavior, a person may be at risk for a diagnosis of gambling addiction. However, making a diagnosis requires an interview with the person by qualified professionals.

- Excessive gambling thoughts (such as reliving past gambling experiences, planning the next round, or trying to avoid it).

- Feeling the need to gamble larger amounts of money to satisfy a desire for excitement.

- Unsuccessful attempts to reduce, control, or stop gambling.

- Feeling anxious while trying to reduce or stop gambling.

- Gambling as a way to escape problems or to relieve feelings of sadness, depression, helplessness, guilt, or anxiety.

- Gambling by losing money and then returning later to try to make up for what was lost (loss chasing).

- Lying to family members, therapists, or others about the amount of gambling that was done.

People with a gambling addiction engage in illegal acts such as forgery, fraud, and theft to obtain the money needed to gamble.

These individuals also jeopardize or even lose their important relationships, jobs, educational and professional opportunities due to their gambling addiction.

Addicts often rely on others to solve their financial problems resulting from gambling.

The addictive nature of any substance or behavior is related to how quickly and at a high rate it releases dopamine into the body. In recent years, online betting has become increasingly popular, as quick results within a minute or two provide a sense of instant gratification. Therefore, university students and people with higher education in particular tend to engage in this behavior, as they gain false self-confidence in this area. In addition, tools such as smartphones that allow access to these sites at any time and anywhere contribute to strengthening this behavior and exacerbating addiction.

**What are the risks of gambling addiction?**


Gambling addiction negatively affects the individual and his surroundings. This addiction includes many risks, the most prominent of which are:

Gamblers usually seek to quickly recover what they have lost, and when this does not happen, they resort to lying to cover up their behavior and losses.

Gamblers may engage in illegal activities such as dishonesty, fraud, theft, and embezzlement to obtain the money needed to gamble.

Gambling can jeopardize or destroy important relationships, such as jobs or educational and professional opportunities.

Relationships deteriorate as gamblers become angry and withdrawn, realizing they are unable to recoup their losses.

Feelings of depression, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts may occur. At this stage, relationship problems and alcohol and drug abuse are common among addicted gamblers.

Gamblers experience excessive rumination about gambling, such as reevaluating their past experiences, thinking of new strategies for playing, or looking for ways to get money to gamble.

Gamblers need to wager larger amounts of money to achieve the same level of excitement they seek.

There are many unsuccessful attempts to control, reduce, or stop gambling.

The person feels distressed when trying to reduce or stop gambling.

**Risk Factors for Gambling Addiction**

Those who have been exposed to gambling addiction, most gamblers such as card and table games have not reached the stage of addiction. However, several risk factors have been identified that may lead to compulsive gambling addiction, including:

**Age group:** Statistics indicate that gambling addiction is more prevalent among adolescents and young adults. Studies have shown that children who gamble have a greater chance of developing this disease, but the bigger problem is that its prevalence is higher among adults.

**Gender of the player:** The gender of the addict may affect the likelihood of his or her gambling addiction. Statistics indicate that men are more likely to be addicted to gambling than women, but the gender gap has recently begun to narrow.

**Bad companions:** The rate of gambling addiction increases as a result of the influence of bad companions, such as friends who are addicted to gambling or family members.

**Some personal tendencies:** The likelihood of gambling addiction increases in people who tend to be adventurous and challenging, or who feel bored, anxious or impulsive.

**Mental disorders:** People with mental disorders may be more susceptible to gambling addiction.

**Methods of treating gambling addiction**

There are many programs and methods for treating gambling addiction, which include hospital programs and mental health clinics. Gambling addiction treatment is mainly based on behavioral and cognitive psychotherapy. Here are some of these treatment methods.

Gambling addiction treatment depends on:

1. **Changing thoughts about gambling**: This behavioral and psychological treatment involves helping the addict reevaluate his thoughts about gambling and betting, making him realize that these behaviors are unreasonable and must be eliminated immediately, as they lead to his destruction. In other words, the addict learns that these behaviors are incorrect and need to change them.

2. **Training the addict to confront his life problems**: This aspect of treatment aims to help the addict deal with pressures and life problems in logical ways. Gambling addiction is often the result of facing challenges and pressures that lead to searching for external sources of happiness, which increases the secretion of dopamine and creates a false sense of pleasure away from the difficult reality.

3. **Treatment of addictive behaviors**: This involves achieving a balance between immediate desires and long-term goals, which helps the addict develop strategies to deal with urgent desires in a healthy way.

**Tips for dealing with gambling addiction or supporting someone you know who suffers from it**

1. **Don't hesitate to ask for help**: Gambling addiction is not a sign of weakness, but rather aAnd a condition that needs treatment. Do not hesitate to contact a doctor or therapist, or join a support group.

2. **Find alternative activities**: Try to replace gambling time with other activities that you enjoy, such as exercising, reading books, or spending quality time with family and friends.

3. **Avoid places and people associated with gambling**: Stay away from casinos and any places that remind you of gambling, and avoid being with people who encourage you to do so.

4. **Learn new skills**: Acquiring new skills such as meditation or yoga can help you relax and control the urge to gamble.

5. **Get support from loved ones**: Talk to your family members and close friends about your problem and ask them for support and assistance.

6. **Set financial limits**: Set a monthly budget for yourself and stick to it without exceeding it.

7. **Be patient with yourself**: Recovering from gambling addiction takes time and effort. Don't lose hope if you experience relapses.

8**Supporting Someone with a Gambling Addiction**:

9**Be honest and clear**: Express your concerns clearly and in a loving manner.

**10**Avoid blame: Don’t blame the person for their problem. Instead, offer support and encouragement.

**11**Encourage them to seek help: Encourage the person to talk to a mental health professional.

**12**Be patient and understanding: Remember that recovery from addiction takes time and effort. Be patient and aware of the person’s needs.

**13**Take care of yourself: Don’t forget the importance of taking care of yourself while supporting others.

**Additional sources of support**:Support groups: There are many groups that offer support for people struggling with gambling addiction, such as Gamblers Anonymous.

**Therapists**: A therapist can help you develop strategies to deal with strong urges to gamble and change negative thought patterns.

**Helplines**: There are many hotlines available to provide support and guidance to people suffering from gambling addiction.

**Online Gambling Addiction Treatment**

Now we move on to the most important topic, which is the treatment of online gambling addiction, and helping individuals who find it difficult to stop these games, which exposes them to many legal, financial and social problems. It is necessary to stop gambling completely under the supervision of specialists, in order to help control emotions and withdrawal symptoms from both psychological and physical aspects. Such as:

1. **Inpatient Rehabilitation Program**Online gambling addiction is treated through an inpatient rehabilitation program, which aims to overcome psychological and physical dependence on these games. At the beginning of treatment, the patient stays in a treatment center for a period of no less than 30 days, and some difficult cases may require a longer period. Therefore, seeking treatment quickly contributes to reducing the duration of treatment.

**2_ Outpatient Rehabilitation Program**After completing the inpatient treatment phase, the transition to outpatient treatment is through psychological clinics and follow-up sessions with a psychologist. This method is more common, as group and individual therapy sessions are organized.

**3_ 12-Step Program** Gamblers Anonymous (GA) or other programs based on 12 steps are considered the best programs for treating online gambling addiction. It helps gamblers build healthy social relationships and develop better habits instead of indulging in online gambling. Group sessions are held once or more a week under the supervision of a psychologist.

**4_ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy** Online gambling addiction treatment at the center includes group counseling sessions and psychological support, aimed at helping the addict overcome his psychological and emotional problems associated with his addiction. In addition, work is done to find therapeutic solutions for family problems that may lead to self-destruction.

**5_ Medication** In some cases, online gambling addiction treatment requires the use of medications, which helps the addict overcome his desires to gamble. Medications are also used to treat symptoms of mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, helping the patient manage their underlying condition and improve their ability to control their emotions.

Medications are prescribed by a specialized medical team after conducting examinations and accurate diagnosis, and no medications are prescribed over the internet. Doses and quantities are determined according to each patient's health condition, and this must be done under medical supervision until the end of the drug treatment phase. It is important to note that the medications used may cause some side effects

**6_ Lifestyle modification**The treatment of online gambling addiction aims to achieve complete recovery from this behavior. Therefore, the focus is on changing the patient's lifestyle and helping him acquire healthy and beneficial habits that support the continuity of recovery. In addition, the addict is advised to avoid visiting casinos or places where gambling activities are practiced, in order to reduce the desire to return to gambling behavior