?The best times for cupping during the year, the different months, and the days when it is prohibited

Cupping is considered one of the methods of the Noble Prophetic Medicine, but what are the best days to practice it according to the Shiites? Through the Dalili Medical website, we will provide you with comprehensive information about cupping and how to perform it, in addition to the preferred days for cupping among the Shiites. We will also discuss the best days for cupping for women and men, as well as the appropriate days for this month, all in the following lines.

**What is cupping?**

Cupping is considered one of the most prominent practices in Islamic medicine, and it has been known since ancient times, as it was used in ancient Egyptian medicine and Chinese medicine to treat many pains. The idea of ​​cupping is based on the use of glass cups designated for sucking the skin and blood in specific areas of the body, and it is preferable to do it on specific days according to the Sunnah of the Prophet. Cupping is divided into two main types: wet cupping and dry cupping. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, recommended it, as he used it to treat many diseases and pains such as headaches and joint pain, which gives it a special status in Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet.

**Types of Cupping**

Cupping is classified into two main types, based on the nature of the medical condition to be treated and the person's desire to choose the type of cupping, in addition to the opinion of the therapist:

1. **Dry Cupping**: It depends mainly on the process of suctioning the skin.

2. **Bloody Cupping or Wet Cupping**: It includes the process of suctioning the skin in addition to drawing amounts of blood.

**Reasons for Cupping**

The following medical conditions are among the most prominent conditions that can be treated by cupping:

1. **Musculoskeletal pain**: It includes lumbar disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, nocturnal brachialgia, persistent lower back pain, fibromyalgia, chronic neck pain, fibromyalgia, chronic knee osteoarthritis, acute gouty arthritis pain, and dysmenorrhea pain.

2. **Neurological diseases**: such as headache, migraine, carpal tunnel syndrome, and acute trigeminal neuralgia.

3. **Metabolic diseases**: including acute gouty arthritis, high blood lipids and cholesterol levels.

4. **Respiratory diseases**: such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, and bronchitis.

5. **Some cardiovascular diseases**: such as systolic hypertension, circulatory overload, heart failure, and arrhythmia.

6. **Viral infections**: such as viral hepatitis, and herpes zoster.

7. **Bacterial infections**.

8. **Autoimmune diseases**: such as rheumatoid arthritis, and vitiligo.

9. **Secondary amenorrhea**.

10. **Diabetes**: Cupping helps reduce insulin resistance.

11. **Stroke patient rehabilitation**.

12. **Some skin diseases**: such as acne, atopic dermatitis, and chronic idiopathic urticaria.

**Does cupping have benefits during the month of Ramadan?**

Cupping does not have special benefits for the fasting person in Ramadan, but you can benefit from some of the health benefits it provides to the body during this month. Among the most prominent benefits of cupping for the fasting person:

**Improving blood circulation:** Cupping contributes to enhancing the blood circulation that the fasting person needs, as it works to purify the blood from accumulated toxins and improve its flow to all parts of the body, which helps maintain the body's activity and health during the fasting period.

**Memory activation:** Another benefit of cupping in Ramadan is that it helps activate memory and increase the ability to concentrate. It works to regulate blood flow to the brain, which contributes to improving mental balance and controlling emotions. Cupping also plays a role in alleviating some psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression, which enhances the ability to concentrate and improves memory.

**Pain relief:** Cupping is commonly used to relieve pain resulting from arthritis, nerve inflammation, headaches, and unexplained pain. Cupping may be a good option for fasting people who want to avoid taking medications or cannot take them during the day, as it is an effective treatment for joint pain.

**Improving digestive function:** Cupping helps stimulate the autonomic nervous system that regulates body functions, by increasing blood flow to internal tissues, including the digestive system. Using gentle massage with cups (dry cupping) on ​​the abdominal area can also stimulate the digestive organs and relieve indigestion and some digestive problems during fasting.

**Getting rid of lethargy:** One of the important benefits of cupping for the fasting person is that it helps reduce lethargy and insomnia resulting from fasting. It enhances blood circulation and purifies the blood from toxins, which leads to the expansion of blood vessels and improves blood flow to the brain, nerves and muscles, thus activating the body and mind in general, giving the fasting person a greater feeling of activity and energy.

**The best days for cupping according to Shiites**

The opinions of Shiites vary regarding the best days for cupping, and their opinions came as follows:

- Imam Al-Kadhim, peace be upon him: He indicated that the best day for cupping is Saturday.

- Imam al-Sadiq (AS): He mentioned that cupping on Sunday is considered a cure for every disease, and that cupping of our followers is on Monday.

- Imam al-Sadiq (AS) narrated from his fathers (AS) that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Gabriel came down to me with cupping and the oath with the witness, and Wednesday is a day of continuous bad luck.”

- Imam al-Sadiq (AS) also said: “Whoever is cupped on the last Thursday of the month at the end of the day, the disease will be removed.”

- He also said: “The blood gathers at the place of cupping on Thursday.”

- Imam al-Rida (AS): He indicated that cupping on Monday is for us, while Tuesday is for the Umayyads.

- Abu Saeed al-Khudri narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Whoever is cupped on

Tuesday, the seventeenth, nineteenth, or twenty-first, was a cure for the disease of the year."

- The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to have cupping done on Monday.

- The Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, said: "Avoid cupping on Wednesday and the light, for Wednesday is a day of continuous misfortune, and on it Hell was created, and whoever is cupped on Wednesday and is afflicted with a whiteness, let him blame no one but himself." The whiteness is the whiteness resulting from leprosy or vitiligo.

- As for Thursday, it is considered one of the best days, as the news almost agrees on that, with the exception of a weak news that may be general. Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: "The blood gathers in the place of cupping on Thursday, and when the sun sets, it disperses, so take your share of cupping before noon."

- As for Friday, the news differed greatly, as there was a prohibition against cupping on Wednesday and Friday.

**Why is cupping prohibited on Wednesday?**

The prohibition against cupping on Wednesday is a controversial topic, as the reason is attributed to That the Prophet of God Job was afflicted on this day.

**What are the signs of successful cupping?**

Signs of successful cupping include feeling energetic, reducing the effects of varicose veins, getting rid of stress, and feeling relaxed.

**Can cupping be performed on any day?**

Cupping can be performed on any day when sick, but there are times and days that are recommended for performing it.

**Is it permissible to pray after cupping without washing?**

It is preferable to wash before praying after cupping, which is recommended and not obligatory.

**When is the right time for cupping?**

It is preferable to perform cupping on the 17th, 19th, and 21st days of each lunar month, and it is preferable to do it early in the morning on an empty stomach.

**History of Cupping**

The origins of cupping date back more than five thousand years, as ancient man relied on it greatly, especially in Chinese medicine, in which cupping was one of the most famous treatments. The history of cupping also extends to the ancient Egyptian civilization, where it was widely used. In the Islamic era, the Islamic religion paid great attention to cupping due to its many benefits, and it was recommended by the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, as he would be cupped when he felt pain in his head. For this reason, Muslim scholars contributed to the development of cupping techniques, such as Ibn Sina, Al-Zahrawi, Al-Baghdadi, and Ibn Al-Qayyim, who studied its benefits and methods. As for Europe, cupping was transmitted to them through Muslims, and it became widely used to treat various diseases and pains, and its popularity flourished in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. However, reliance on it declined in the twentieth century with the advancement of Western medicine and the spread of chemical drugs, but it is still a preferred option for many, and is taught in foreign universities, including the history of its development.

**Cupping in the Prophetic Sunnah**

Cupping is considered one of the confirmed Sunnahs in the Noble Prophetic Sunnah, as many hadiths were reported that talk about cupping and urge it. The Prophetic Sunnah addressed all aspects of cupping, starting from the best days to practice it, all the way to its methods and times, highlighting its importance, status, and great benefits. It was narrated on the authority of Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “The best treatment you can use is cupping,” which indicates its virtue and benefit, and encourages its practice. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to perform it on specific areas of the body such as the head, the temples, and the shoulder, indicating its therapeutic and preventive role, and its benefits in removing toxins from the body, activating blood circulation, and stimulating cell and blood renewal.

**Cupping as an Islamic Practice**

Cupping is an important and recommended Islamic practice, and it has been mentioned in the Noble Prophetic Sunnah. It works to remove bad blood from the body and stimulate blood circulation. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “If there is any good in what you treat yourself with, it is in cupping.” There are also many hadiths that indicate the recommended days to practice it and others that it is preferable to avoid. Therefore, we find that Islamic cupping has received the attention of Muslim doctors and scholars, and it is still taught in Arab universities and medical institutes as an ancient folk treatment, which indicates its effectiveness and benefits.

**The best days for cupping**

There is no doubt that cupping has many benefits, but the Noble Prophet recommended practicing it on specific days, namely the 17th, 19th, and 21st of every Hijri month, in addition to odd days. The Prophet specifically mentioned these days in his hadith on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, where he said: "Whoever is cupped on the seventeenth, nineteenth, or twenty-first; it will be a cure for every disease." As for the best days for cupping between seasons, they are the days of spring when the weather is moderate. It is recommended to avoid cupping in the summer or on hot days, as well as on very cold days in the winter, as it may cause side effects. As for the patient, he can do it whenever he needs it, as it is primarily a therapeutic method, as Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal used to perform cupping whenever he needed it.

**Best times and days for cupping**

The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, urged us to practice cupping, and he explained to us the best times and days to do it throughout the year. It is preferable to perform cupping in the early hours of the morning, before breakfast. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays are considered the best days according to the Sunnah. The Prophet also advised against cupping on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, especially Wednesdays. The special days for cupping in the lunar month are the 17th, 19th, and 21st of each month. Among the prophetic advice related to cupping, it is recommended to drink plenty of water before and after the session to stimulate blood circulation, and to avoid eating at least two to three hours before cupping, which makes the morning the best time for cupping when the person is on an empty stomach.

**How ​​to set cupping dates**

Choosing the cupping date and days is important to get the most out of it. It is preferable to perform cupping in the second half of the lunar month, especially

On the 17th, 19th and 21st, i.e. the last thirteen days of the month. It is necessary to take into account the individual's health condition and ensure that there are no medical contraindications from the doctor before setting an appointment. The beginning of spring is also considered one of the best times for cupping, as the weather is moderate after the cold weather ends and before the summer heat arrives.

**Benefits of Cupping**

The main benefits of cupping include the following:

- **Rest and relaxation**: Cupping contributes to increasing the production of internal opium in the brain, which improves the body's ability to control pain and increases the pain threshold.

- **Reducing inflammation**.

- **Enhancing blood circulation**: Cupping helps expel toxins and waste from the body, and removes harmful substances from capillaries and fluids between cells.

- **Enhancing cell repair**: It contributes to accelerating the formation of blood vessels in the cupping area.

- **Reducing harmful cholesterol levels**: It contributes to reducing harmful cholesterol (LDL) in men, which may help combat atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Cupping is also known for its effectiveness in reducing total cholesterol levels and the ratio of bad to good cholesterol.

- **Reducing adhesions and renewing connective tissue**.

Cupping has multiple benefits for the nerves, as it contributes to stimulating the peripheral nervous system, helps control high blood pressure, regulates the immune system, and contributes to lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics.

As for the benefits of cupping for men, they include:

- Regulating blood pressure.

- Preventing blood clots.

- Eliminating bacteria, parasites, and infections.

- Preventing cancer.

- Enhancing memory.

- Treating sexual dysfunction.

- Activating olfactory cells.

- Improving blood circulation.

- Providing benefits similar to donating blood.

- Helping to open arteries and veins.

- Improving the psychological state and increasing the feeling of happiness.

- Facilitating blood flow through the arteries.

- Detoxifying the blood.

- Reducing bad cholesterol levels.

- Enhancing the body's immunity.

- Facilitating the digestion process.

- Improve liver and pancreas functions.

- Strengthen muscles and increase their efficiency, relieve stress and muscle tension.

- Relieve back and shoulder pain.

- Increase vitality and activity.

- Increase hair density, thickness and length.

- Raise calcium levels in the body.

- Strengthen bones.

- Improve stomach functions.

**Best times for cupping: summer or winter?**

Many people wonder about the best times to perform cupping for the purpose of treatment, improving blood flow and removing impurities from it. Therefore, it is important to know whether summer or winter is the most appropriate time for cupping. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Seek help with intense heat through cupping,” which some interpret as meaning that the best time for cupping therapy is in the spring. Therefore, it is preferable to perform cupping just before summer to enhance the blood’s ability to regulate body temperature.

The 17th, 19th and 21st of each Hijri month are the ideal times to perform cupping, as recommended by the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. In winter, the body temperature is stable, and patients usually do not need cupping, but there is no objection to performing it in this season. It is preferable to perform cupping sessions in the early hours of the morning, while avoiding eating any food immediately before the session.

**Harms of cupping in Ramadan**

Among the potential harms of cupping in Ramadan, low blood pressure is considered one of the most common, as blood pressure may drop during fasting due to a lack of fluids in the body, and cupping also contributes to the consumption of part of the blood fluids.

A person may also feel dizzy as a result of blood loss during cupping, especially since the body in a state of fasting lacks some nutrients and fluids, which increases the likelihood of feeling dizzy after the session.

Also, the feeling of pain may increase in the fasting person when cupping is performed, due to wounds resulting from withdrawing spoiled blood.

After cupping, the fasting person may feel tired and lethargic, which is a common side effect of cupping under normal circumstances, but it may be more severe during fasting due to the inability to compensate for the lost fluids and nutrients.

Finally, the fasting person may experience a slight increase in body temperature after cupping, as cupping stimulates the immune system, and it is difficult to take antipyretic medications or increase fluids to regulate body temperature while fasting.

**Benefits of cupping for women**

Cupping is a traditional treatment that provides many benefits for women, the most prominent of which are:

- Enhancing brain function.

- Helping the body get rid of toxins and accumulated effects of medications.

- Reducing the feeling of constant fatigue.

- Treating heart disease and atherosclerosis.

- Supporting liver and pancreas functions.

- Treating rheumatism.

- Relieving back, neck and shoulder pain, in addition to treating paralysis.

- Eliminating laziness and lethargy.

- Treating high blood pressure.

- Regulating hormone levels in the body.

- Strengthening the immune system.

- Reducing harmful cholesterol and unhealthy fats.

- Stimulating blood circulation.

**Best Time for Cupping in Ramadan**

The best time to perform cupping in Ramadan is on the 17th, 19th and 21st of the blessed month, as these days are considered preferred for cupping in all lunar months. It is recommended to perform cupping in Ramadan on Mondays and Thursdays, following the example of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.

It is usually recommended to perform cupping in the early morning before eating, but the opinion of specialists differs regarding the times of cupping in Ramadan, as it is preferable not to perform it during the day to avoid side effects during fasting. Therefore, it is recommended to perform cupping in Ramadan three hours after breakfast, which allows the stomach to empty and reduces the feeling of nausea. It is also preferable to avoid cupping in the last hours before breakfast, as the body has consumed a lot of energy, which increases the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion. It is best to avoid cupping in Ramadan

Due to the medical and legal considerations related to it.

When should cupping be avoided during Ramadan?

**High blood pressure patients:** It is preferable to avoid cupping during Ramadan for people who suffer from high blood pressure, especially those who take blood pressure-lowering medications during Suhoor, as this increases the risk of low blood pressure during cupping.

**Diabetes patients:** Diabetics suffer from fluctuations in blood sugar levels during the fasting period, and cupping during Ramadan may exacerbate these fluctuations. In addition, diabetics may face difficulties in controlling bleeding and infections resulting from cupping, so it is preferable to avoid it during this month.

**Anemia patients:** It is recommended to avoid cupping during Ramadan for people who suffer from anemia, as blood loss resulting from cupping may exacerbate their condition, especially in light of the difficulty of compensating for the blood components they lost during the holy month, especially if they do not follow a healthy diet.

**Low blood pressure:** Cupping should be avoided during Ramadan for people who suffer from low blood pressure during fasting, as cupping may lead to a further drop in blood pressure, which may cause fainting or loss of consciousness.

**Severe weight loss:** People who are underweight often suffer from weak physical structure, which makes them more susceptible to the side effects of cupping during Ramadan. In addition, they may seek to gain weight during this month, and cupping may lead to the loss of more nutrients necessary for weight gain.

**Prohibited cupping days**

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: "Cupping on an empty stomach is better, and it enhances the mind and improves memory, and increases the memorizer's ability to memorize. Whoever wants to be cupped, let him be cupped on Thursday, and avoid Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and let him be cupped on Monday and Tuesday, and stay away from cupping on Wednesday, because it is the day on which Job was afflicted with the affliction, and leprosy or vitiligo does not appear on Wednesday or Wednesday night" (Hasan). There are other narrations that indicate the prohibition of cupping on Saturday and Wednesday only. It has been mentioned that this prohibition is related to cupping in the case of health or for preventive purposes, but in the case of illness or when necessary, cupping can be performed at any time. Some medical sources have also indicated that dry cupping does not require a specific time to be performed. The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, was cupped several times, including cupping on his hip due to a sprain, and once on the back of his foot while in ihram due to pain he was suffering from, and it was not mentioned that he waited specific days for cupping in those cases.

**Conditions and contraindications of cupping**

Cupping is prohibited in the following cases:

- Areas of veins and arteries, nerves, lymph nodes, varicose veins, skin inflammation, skin lesions, body openings, or eyes.

- Open wounds, bone fractures, or areas of deep vein thrombosis.

- Cancer patients.

- People suffering from kidney and liver diseases.

- Heart patients and those who use pacemakers.

- People suffering from blood thinning (hemophilia).

- People with acute infections.

- People who take anticoagulant medications.

- Women during pregnancy and postpartum.

- People with anemia.

Children under the age of four should consult a doctor before cupping, and this also applies to older children. Cupping sessions for children are characterized by short duration.

**Cupping locations**

Cupping locations do not differ between women and men. The most prominent locations used in cupping are:

The locations are determined based on their proximity to the affected tissues, which facilitates the removal of pathogenic substances from the body. The scientific rules for choosing cupping locations depend on the main location of the disease and its distribution, in addition to the potential therapeutic benefit of filtering blood and fluids between cells. The effectiveness of cupping can be improved by changing the locations of the cups or increasing their number or size, as well as increasing the pressure to a certain extent.

- **Withers**: refers to the area above the seventh cervical spine.

- **Cheeks**: refers to the area on both sides of the neck behind the ear.

- **Between the shoulders**.

- **Top of the head and fontanelle area**: The hair in these areas must be shaved before starting cupping to ensure sterilization.

- **Thigh**.

- **Dormal surface of the foot**.

**How ​​to do dry cupping**

The method of doing dry cupping includes the following points:

1. The glass or plastic cup is placed on the skin, then heated with fire using alcohol, herbs, or a paper placed inside the cup.

2. After removing the source of fire, the hot cup is placed directly on the skin from its open side.

3. The air inside the cup cools when placed on the skin, creating a vacuum and pulling the skin and muscles up into the cup.

4. In modern techniques, rubber pumps are used to create pressure and suction for the skin, and the skin may turn red as a result of the blood vessels responding to the change in pressure level.

The cup is left on the skin for a period usually ranging from 5 to 10 minutes.

An ointment is applied to the cupping areas by the therapist after the session is over.

Bruises begin to disappear after 10 days of the session, and cupping can sometimes be performed in conjunction with acupuncture.

**How ​​to do wet cupping**

The following steps include how to do wet cupping:

1. Determine the area where the cupping cups will be placed.

2. Sterilize the selected area, as the sterilization step is necessary to prevent the transmission of infection, and must be repeated after the cupping process is completed.

3. Place the cup on the skin as in dry cupping.

4. Scratch the skin, where multiple small superficial incisions are made with a length of 1-2 mm and a depth of 0.1 mm using a sterile scalpel. These incisions help to release the fluids collected inside

For the skin as a result of suction.

5. Place the cup on the site where the incisions were made and perform the suction process again. At this stage, a mixture of blood fluid is observed to exit into the suction cups, which includes interstitial fluid, lymph, and filtered capillary fluids, and this blood fluid quickly clots inside the cup.

6. Sterilize the area again and cover it with a bandage or gauze, in addition to applying a topical ointment containing an antibiotic or honey, to ensure stimulating the wound healing process in a sterile environment.

**Best Cupping Times During Each Month**

**January 2024**

Hijri Month: Jumada al-Akhirah – Rajab 1445

Recommended Days: 1, 3, 29, 31

January 2024 offers ideal opportunities to perform cupping sessions on the specified days, which contributes to improving blood circulation and relieving pain.

**February 2024**

Hijri Month: Rajab – Sha’ban 1445

Recommended Days: 2, 27, 29

In February 2024, there are also good opportunities to use the cupping technique, and it is preferable to adhere to the recommended days to achieve the best results.

**March 2024**

Hijri Month: Sha’ban – Ramadan 1445

Recommended Days: 2, 28, 30

In March 2024, you can take advantage of the appropriate days for cupping to enhance general health and relieve tension and muscle pain.

**April 2024**

Hijri month: Ramadan – Shawwal 1445

Recommended days: 1, 26, 28, 30

April 2024 is an ideal opportunity to use the cupping technique, allowing you to make the most of its benefits.

**May 2024**

Hijri month: Shawwal – Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445

Recommended days: 25, 27, 29

May 2024 provides excellent opportunities to perform cupping sessions to benefit from its health benefits.

**June 2024**

Hijri month: Dhu al-Qi'dah – Dhu al-Hijjah 1445

Recommended days: 24, 26, 28

In June 2024, you can take advantage of the appropriate days for cupping to enhance overall health and relaxation.

**July 2024**

Hijri month: Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 – Muharram 1446

Recommended days: 23, 25, 27

July 2024 provides excellent opportunities to perform cupping sessions to benefit from its health benefits.

**August 2024**

Hijri month: Muharram – Safar 1446

Recommended days: 22, 24, 26

In August 2024, there are also good opportunities to use the cupping technique, and it is preferable to choose the recommended days to get the best results.

**September 2024**

Hijri month: Safar – Rabi’ al-Awwal 1446

Recommended days: 21, 23, 25

In September 2024, you can take advantage of the appropriate days for cupping to enhance general health and relaxation.

**October 2024**

Hijri month: Rabi' al-Awwal - Rabi' al-Thani 1446

Recommended days: 20, 22, 24

October 2024 provides excellent opportunities to perform cupping sessions to benefit from its health benefits.

**November 2024**

Hijri month: Rabi' al-Thani - Jumada al-Ula 1446

Recommended days: 19, 21, 23

In November 2024, you can take advantage of the appropriate days for cupping to enhance overall health and relaxation.

**December 2024**

Hijri month: Jumada al-Ula - Jumada al-Akhirah 1446

Recommended days: 19, 21, 23

December 2024 provides excellent opportunities to perform cupping sessions to benefit from its health benefits.

Tips before and after cupping

Tips before cupping:

- Giving charity, as it was mentioned in the Sunnah that it helps in treatment and helps in removing calamities.

- Taking a shower an hour or more before the cupping session.

- Finishing all hard work before the cupping session.